作者:Hannah Park 13 年以前
What is ICT?
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses a wide range of procedures, acts, and laws designed to protect and manage the use of digital information. Key legislations include the Freedom of Information Act, Copyright Design and Patents Act, Computer Misuse Act, and Data Protection Act.
What is ICT? Procedures Freedom of information act Copyright design and patents act Computer misuse act Data protection act People Good ICT Team communication skills mointoring of task, money and time structured work strengths and weaknesses identified BUSGEMS Team leader Balance of skills ICT professionals Technical editor Website designer Database manager ICT Technician essentiall skills for ICT professional team work flexible patience problem solving skills good oral and written communication skills Characteristics of users age tasks to be undertaken environment of use physical characteristics experience Users Subtopic Secertary Kitchen designer ICT Teacher Data INDIRECT Orginally for another purpose DIRECT Specifically for a purpose Set of values Raw Figures Raw Facts Information Quality of information ... C - complete, A - accurate, T - timely, F - from a reliable source, U - up to date & R - relevent Word documents Letters Charts Meaningful Hardware Storage CD Hardrive Flash memory stick Output Image on screen Earphones Speakers Input Microphone Mouse Keyboard Software Application software Photoshop Audacity Word processing software Operating Systems Windows 7 Linux Windows XP