作者:Jane Krauss 14 年以前
Where did the apples come from?
Apples are a widely consumed fruit found in many stores, but their journey from orchard to shelf involves numerous factors. Different countries grow apples, leading to a diverse range of sources.
Where did the apples from my store come from? Main toWpic What goes into the cost of an apple?11 Why are there different colors? Why are there more apples than kiwi fruit in the store? How far do apples come from? Who grows my apples?111111 What's the carbon How are they grown? How long has that apple been there? How do they keep apples fresh? Can every child in the world eat an apple?1111 Is an apple a good chocie Does an apple a day make a difference?111 How does the grocer choose the apples in my Does every country have apples? 11111 eat apples grow apples? Do apples all come from the same place? What happens if apples don't get there?