作者:Lori Saulibio 17 年以前
Why People Are Unsuccessful
Many individuals struggle with achieving success due to various internal and external factors. A significant barrier is the fear of failure, which often stems from a scarcity mindset.
Why People Are Unsuccessful And How To FIx It 3) Fear of Failure Become an idea generator Keep a notebook with you Map out how you will make it succeed Basic
Write it down Playing not to lose vs playing to win Linked to lack mentality 2) Lack of Knowledge or Paralysis of Analysis Decision leads to action Make a decision 4) Fear of Success Answer these questions What is good about you? What makes you happy? What are you good at? Ask what you would do with the money Doesn't require big numbers to get what your want Quadruple your income Triple your income Double your income How would you spend it?
Use spreadsheet Feelings of unworthiness Fear of Change Fear of unknown 1) Don't Know What They Want Keep asking why until you get to emotional reason Must have emotional ties More than just money