作者:Harrison Knapp 6 年以前
Womens Movement
The women's movement sought to address and rectify various forms of discrimination and inequality faced by women in different spheres of life. Legislative milestones such as the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the Higher Education Act of 1972, which included Title IX, played pivotal roles in prohibiting gender-based discrimination in credit and education, respectively.
Womens Movement Anti- feminist Glass ceiling A term used to described an invisible barrier from rising up the hierarchy Phyllis Schlafly Conservative, political activists, denounced women's liberation, was able to keep the ERA from being passed Feminism The theory of political, social, and economic equality of women Leaders of the Movement Gloria Steinem Went undercover for playboy, exposed the mistreatment of women in the magazine Feminist, use change through mass media, co founded MS, feminist magazine Sandra Day ' Connor First Supreme Court Justice to be woman Betty Frieden Wrote The Feminist Mystique. Started up the the organization NOW Casey Hayden and Mary King Veterans of the movement Outcomes of movement Feminization of Poverty Single mothers struggling with cost and responsibilities Pink Collar Ghettos Women in workforce had their own lower class jobs that mostly only women worked Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Enforced prohibition on job discrimination Civil Rights Act of 1964 Title VII- No discrimination of sex Commission on the Status of Women Examined workplace discrimination 1973 Roer v. Wade The right to legal abortions Equal Credit Opportunity Act Illegal to deny credit to a women based on gender Higher Education Act of 1972 Title IX- Banned discrimination in education Goals for the movement Consciousness- raising the activity of seeking to make people more aware of personal, social, or political issues Dedicated to true equality, full/ equal partnerships of sexes Attacked stereotypes, more balance in marriage Breakdown barriers of discrimination in work + education National Organization for Women (NOW) Protect reproductive rights 1973 Roer v. Wade (Supreme Court) the right to legal abortions Have the right to an abortion Pass Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)