1B -VIA _Suicide prevention or how to help those with depression


victims may need a way to get bullies to stop bullying them as it will cause depression and low self esteem, ultimately , they will commit suicide


got to learn how to ignore bullies because bullies are just insecure people who step on(bully) others just because they want to seem big and mighty.

potential victims need to open up and speak about their problems to a trusted adult/friend instead of bottling up their emotions.

individuals must open up and not keep quiet in order to fight the depression

The Victims can seek help from family,friends,counselor and etc so they can vent out their suffering and let those trusted people to help them to solve the bullying .the victims need support and someone to talk with.

Be optimistic


bullies need a way to feel for the ones they bully because only then will they feel how it is like to be abused physically , verbally or online

abusers need to calm down, and try to reflect why they bullied the victim. They can seek help from someone to help them realize they were wrong and turn over a new leaf

abusers need a way to stop their act of bullying and abusing because they are causing fear and depression among others.this may result in sucidial situations

they can get professional help to control their emotions.

Abusers can be punished in a way that they will never forget
E.g Detention,public shaming and hopefully they will not bully others ever again

The Abusers should also apologise to the victims and to not hold any grudges

The abusers should empathise the victims and help them

Parents/other Family