Deliverables of process buckets
Process&Turtle Maps
Review other Plants
Ambassador is the point of contact for quality and process improvement within business departments.
Ambassadors must belong to business departments rather than Quality
Ambassadors must have basic knowledge of ArchiMate (or Abacus in future), so to collaborate with Quality, promote the tool and facilitate other users
Ambassadors must have basic knowledge of analytics system, so to promote its adoption
Reference for review of processes and their representation/description/documentation. Make sure process description, procedures and quality manual are up to date, or flag updates needed.
Reference for their own respective teams as "go to" person about process matters
Collect feedbacks on processes and initiatives, provide suggestions for QPD. Collect feedbacks on tools and initiatives, provide suggestions for digitalization initiatives.
Reference for EHS matters within their own respective teams
Support audits
pre-audit: dry-run, highlight NC risks
audit: lead the visit, give explanations and evidences
post-audit: follow-up actions for improvement