Bogota city in the future
how will the security?
Will invest in social force security in each neighborhood
Bogota will have to work with the police as a partners and give money to buy new vehicles motorcycles and technology
Bogota will be the savest city in Latin America
how will the population?
the population will grow
several displaced will arrive in the city
the growth will be exponential
how will the performing arts?
the city administration will promote the visit to the theaters
Bogota will be a capital that promotes art film
Bogota Film Festival will position her as one of the best internationally
how will the transport?
The public transport system will be more congested
Bogota will conclude the project of SITP
the subway construction project will help the mobilization
how will the weather?
The weather will be different everyday, some of sun and others of rain
Climate change will affect the stability of the food system
natural phenomena will cause various disasters, floods and droughts
how will the culture?
Bogota will continue offering different cultural events
culture will attract many tourists
the city administration will continue to organize festivals to the park with different types of music