Changes in marriage over the years
Federal and provincial government handled marriages like divorces, re- marriages, ceremonies, etc
Women were given the right to buy their own property and make their own income without their husbands
Indigenous weddings were allowed to participate in original customs without the interference of the Christian church
Unwed women and impregned women were incarnated for getting pregnant with men who weren't white. Many women were sexually abused by these men and were forced to raise children in prison with little to no money.
Dark times for women
Women were allowed to divorce their partners on the same grounds as men. prior to 1925 women were only allowed to divorce their husbands if they were engaging in acts of rape, bigamy etc.
1930 - 1939
Mixed marriage were completely against the rules. Any person engaging in this where put in prison where doctors would do acts of gentile mutilation
Certain provences in canada legalized gay marriage
Women gained a right to their bodies in marriages. Prior to 1983 men could use their wives as sexual slaves with no consequence