Webtools to Enhance Instruction
Educreations allows you to upload video lessons that you create yourself and to also browse and use video lessons created by other educators. (educreations.com) Contribution by Donna Evans.
Free for basic services
Teacher benefits
Make a tutorial once that is available forever Having your videos available as well as those created by other instructors can be a real time saver. Teachers can also send pre-recorded videos of tutorials to students who are absent.
Fanfiction is a site that forms a community of writers who are excited to continue exploring stories that they love. For example, Harry Potter lovers can write additional parts of the story and take the storyline in completely new directions. Readers can read and comment on an author's contributions. (fanfiction.net) Contribution by Donna Evans.
Student benefits
Students can be extremely encouraged by readers. The site seems to be very supportive and it provides a forum for students to share their imaginations and write about what they are passionate. It also provides for many hours of reading in different genre.
Fanfiction is a free resource.
Tes Teach with Blendspace | Create & Find Free Multimedia ...
Make learning fun with Tes Teach with Blendspace, the free and easy edtech tool teachers love for lessons, projects, presentations, and more. No planning needed.
Testeach is way to make your own lesson using a mix of online sources and your own content. The set up is very easy and is free. Start with your topic, enter it into the search box and testeach brings up videos, images and other related content from a large list of sources including Google, YouTube and Tes. Tes is a marketplace to help educators find free and paid teaching resources created by other teachers. Quizzes can easily be added to the lesson. Tes tracks comments and likes and more so teachers can evaluate student performance and engagement. Blendspace or testeach: https://www.tes.com/lessons (Contribution by Lori Diamond)
Share My Lesson | Free Lesson Plans & Teacher Resources
Share My Lesson is a destination for educators who dedicate their time and professional expertise to provide the best education for students everywhere.
Free lesson sharing, funded by the American Federation of Teachers, built by educators. Share My Lesson is committed to providing members high-quality and effective lessons and useful information to use in the classroom and for professional development. Sign up is free, using your first name and zipcode. Creative Commons licenses are issued and no private member is shared. (Contribution by Lori Diamond)
2. www.voicethread.com
VoiceThread is a cloud application which means it can run inside your web browser and requires no software to download, install, or update. VoiceThread allows students to transform a collection of media, like images, videos, documents, and presentations, into a place for a conversation. The unique aspect is that the conversations are not live, so it leaves room for people to participate when they are able to but not miss out on conversation. You can make a VoiceThread private, share it with specific people, or make it completely public. Educators can use VoiceThread to extend and document classroom conversations, online tutoring, virtual class spaces, etc. For a single educator, a VoiceThread license costs $79 per year or $15 a month. VoiceThread offers customized pricing packages for whole school or district licenses as well. However, students can sign up for free accounts at VoiceThread using a valid email address and once added as a contact, they can be invited to the VoiceThreads that the educator creates. Students are able to comment an unlimited number of times. (Contributed by Keri Falcon)
$39/month or $299/year
The students can make professional animated movies. Students can add a character, swap a background, or start a scene just be dragging and dropping. Teachers have the option to moderate student videos before the videos become visible to the group. Teachers can approve or reject student created videos and comments. Student videos can't be published publicly, without teacher approval. Group management can be one on this website. Teachers could segment my students into classes and workgroups. The teacher can approve or reject student-created videos and comments. (Contributed by Shamani Langille)