Rhetorical theory

The rhetorical theory includes the study
of visual and nonverbal elements of cities
and dress and appearance to sports.
Rethorial theory has also seen a shift away
from a strict focus on persuasion.
EX:When you are in a conversation and you
intend to convince someone through arguments

Semitic theory

knowledge,meaning,intention and action are
thus fundamental concepts in the semiotic
investigation of phenomena of the signs
EX: In a mathematical practice.

Cybernetic theory

The purpose of cybernetics to develop a language
and techniques that enable us to attack the problem
of control and communication in general and find the
proper repertory of ideas and techniques to classify
their particular manifestations under certain concepts.
EX: In everyday life,cybernetics is essential for use in
science and the advancements of humans.

Socio-cultural theory

Social-cultural theory looks at the contributions that society makes to indivudual development.This theory stresses the interaction between developing people and the cukture in which they live.
EX:Having knowkedge about nearby cultures

Interpersonal deception theory

It studies the differents way to can manipulate
the information to the recceptor,it studies too the
motives that people is engaged
EX:keep the authority and avoid a punishment.

Symbolic convergence theory

The theory explains the apparance of a group conciusness with its implied shared emotions,motives and meanings not in terms of individual daydreams.

Phenomenological theory

According to the phenological approach to personality,
to personality,the specific ways each person perceives
and interprets the world make up personality and guide
one´s behaviour.
Ex:When you need to feel competent to regulate your
behaviur to motivate you.

Social-psychological theory

Is a branch of phychology that studies individuals
in the social context. It focuses on the individual and
also relies on the scientific research to generate the
theories of social behaviour social exchange theory
emphasizes the idea that social action is the result
of personal choices made in order to maximize
benefits and minimize costs.
EX: When your behaviur changes in front of another

Critical theory

Is a social theory oriented toward critiquing
and changing society as a whole,in contrasr
to traditional theory oriented only to understanding
or explaining it.
EX:Seek the coherence to understand something

Karl poppers´theory

Critical rationalism is the main base of
the philosophy of karl popper,is to make
a criticism of theories established by science
and is expressly oposed to logical positivism.