Course Project: Learning About Graphic Organizers for the 21st Century

Graphic Organizers

Types of graphic organizers I'll use in my classroom

Flowchart EGO















sticky notes





Free hand drawing


Free software



How GO can be used as tools for learning

•Brainstorm ideas
•Manipulate and organize data
•Visualize information
•Explore relationships between data points

•Vocabulary improvement
•Problem solving

•Tool to help with the writing process
•Tool to support communication and collaboration skills

•Integrate Critical thinking skills from Bloom’s taxonomy

• Remembering
• Understanding
• Applying
• Analyzing
• Evaluating
• Creating


Bloom's taxonomy• Remembering - Recognizing, listing, describing, identifying, retrieving, naming, locating, finding • Understanding - Interpreting, Summarizing, inferring, paraphrasing, classifying, comparing, explaining, exemplifying • Applying - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing • Analyzing - Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, Attributing, outlining, finding, structuring, integrating • Evaluating - Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, Experimenting, judging, testing, Detecting, Monitoring • Creating - designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing, devising, making

Strategies to incorporate GO into classroom

Class Activity

Teacher computer and Projector

Smart Slate

Group Activity

Vocabulary practice

Flowchart a biological process

Research and answer real world challenge

Individual Activity

Practice concepts

Review concepts

Assess understanding

Rationale for using GO in the classroom

•Support collaboration and communication skills
•Improve editing skills
•Teach outlining skills
•Provide opportunities to use Web 2.0 technology skills

•Cause students to be engaged and active learners
•Create meaningful opportunities to learn
•Promotes a deeper understanding of the concepts
•Are open-ended allowing for creative and innovative solutions

•Encourages students to take ownership in their learning
•Provides an opportunity to explore Metacognition patterns

•Supports differentiation

•assume, infer, analyze, prioritize, and judge

•brainstorm, connect, create, and elaborate

Classroom Overview and Philosophy

Grade level

High School

Subject area(s)



Instructional Philosophy


Teaching is my passion. I want to help students achieve academic success, self –confidence, and a love of learning. Today’s student is graduating into a fast-paced world where the tree of knowledge is growing exponentially. Technology is evolving at a record pace, too. To be successful in this environment, students must be able to locate valid data, analyze information, communicate and collaborate to come up with creative solutions to real world problems using technology tools. To help this process, I’ve outline some basic student guidelines:“LEARNING IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT”- it requires active participation. Recent neurological studies show learning and memory formation are enhanced by engaging multiple areas of the brain involved in speech, sight, hearing, and movement. Student engagement in class is a vital component in knowledge acquisition and success.A POSITIVE ATTITUDE MAKES LEARNING FUN! Science is a wondrous topic with real relevance attitude and willingness to complete assignments not only is the road to success, but makes the course much more enjoyable. What is Science without curiosity? QUESTION… QUESTION…QUESTION- Without questions there can be no discoveries. I expect students to try their best, to step out of their comfort zone and take risks; for it is often through our mistakes that we learn. Every student is unique. We each bring to class our own background, culture, and learning style. Therefore, TEAMWORK and mutual RESPECT is expected from all students. An open line of COMMUNICATION between student, teacher and family is another key ingredient to a successful school experience. I encourage parents to ask their child about class assignments and their progress. Home Access Center ( is an important tool for both parents and students to monitor student achievement. Please contact me if you have any concerns or comments. Don’t wait until a concern becomes a problem. Often concerns are misunderstandings that can be easily remedied to the satisfaction of all parties if addressed early. The fastest way to contact me is through email at I look forward to exploring and learning with you this year.


Please click note icon.

Learning is active

Questions are important- be curious

All students are unique- RESPECT is essential

Teamwork and collaboration are key ingredients

Communication between home and school is vital

Classroom goals and focus


California Biology Standards

•Cell Biology
•Genetics/ Biotechnology
•Human Physiology/ Health

California Chemistry Standards

•Atomic and Molecular Structure
•Chemical Bonds
•Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry
•Gases and their Properties
•Acids and Bases

•Chemical Thermodynamics
•Nuclear Processes
•Organic and Biochemistry
•Reaction Rates
•Chemical Equilibrium

ITSE/NETS Technology Standards

•Demonstrate creativity and innovation
•Communicate and collaborate
•Conduct research and use information
•Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions
•Use technology effectively and productively


Independent Learners

Demonstrate the use of a variety of tools for self-evaluation and goal-setting

Critical Thinkers

Demonstrate higher level thinking skills, such as applying, analyzing, and evaluating data

Organize data using Graphic Organizers

Creating innovative solutions to real world challenges

Academic Achievers

Meet or exceed state, district and school standards and competencies

Develop technology literacy skills

Responsible Citizens

Demonstrate self-discipline, as reflected by positive behavior

Demonstrate awareness of Health, Environmental, and Global issues

Effective Communicators

Read, write, listen and speak proficiently

Manage information and ideas through a variety of modes of communication

Utilize technology tools (Web 2.0) to develop collaboration skills

Standards supported by Graphic Organizers

NETS•S technology standards

Demonstrate creativity and innovation

Communicate and collaborate

Conduct research and use information

Think critically, solve problems, and make decisions

Use technology effectively and productively

California State Standards

California State Investigation and Experimental Standards

1a- Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data (Graphic Organizer)

1. m Investigate a science-based societal issue by researching literature, analyzing data, and communicating the results

1.l Analyze situations and solve problems that require combining and applying concepts from more than one area of science

Most Biology State Standards

Most Chemistry State Standards

Integration of 21st Century Skills

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Through content

Keep Bloom's Taxonomy in mind

Use Graphic Organizers

Patti Drapeau's differentiation verbs

Creativity and Innovation

Offer activities that are open-ended and address real world problems

Patti Drapeau's creativity verbs

Communication and Collaboration

Incorporate Web 2.0 tools in as many activities as possible

Technology and Resources incorporated into the classroom

Technology tools

Web 2.0

Electronic Graphing Organizers



Social bookmarking



Microsoft Office


Class computers

Computer lab

Handheld Renaissance responders


