Are part of the National Network of Emergencies and relies on The
National System for Prevention and Assistance to Disasters(SNPAD)
Created by the decree 919 of 1989
a group of
public, private and community organizations that are integrated in order to solve
security issues of populations which presents risks
A. adequate and timely attention of the patients B. Emergency and Disaster Situation: must be able to give and efficient and coordinated response with the health sector entities. C. Inform, guide and advise to the community in general D.rational use of the emergency services E.give an efficient contribute, timely and coordinated requests
for accident and emergency care. F.Coordinate the operation with the processes of reference and counter G.Support the epidemiological surveillance system I.Receive and organize the information about emergency or disaster situations J.Keep a daily record of cases of reported and dealt with by the CRUE. K.Organize and coordinate communications network in health M.Guarantee or ensure the articulation and coordination with pre-hospital care N.Provide information and advice to the provider network of health care about
toxicological emergencies. O.Supportprograms such as network of transplants,missing people information and medical missions. P.Coordinating the provision of sector reserve centers resources health care in
cases of emergency, emergency, or disaster. Q.Keep a permanent coordination with local committees and regional R.Activate alert hospital.
Requirements of the CRUE

1 . Professional Coordinator, preferably in the health area.
2 Emergency Regulator , professional in general medicine or nursing
3 Radio Operators.
4 Support Staff.
1 communication equipment.
2. Teams of calculation of software
3. Plant of autonomous energy.

1. Communications Central.
2 situational or crisis care room
3. Office of coordination and/or regulation of the CRUE.
4 Resources of Health Center: Group of medications, medical supplies,
antidotes, equipment and other items that support the network of providers
of health services for the disposition of the population affected by situations
of emergency or disaster.

1. Manual processes.
2. Maps of the territory
3. characteristics of health care service.
4. Contact information for those responsible.
5.Structure of the networks for the provision of health.
6. Contracts signed by the respective Territorial.
7.Information of the epidemiological profile of the territory
8. Responsible for the CRUE.
10. Toxicological information
11. contact of the network of transplants and blood banks

It is the set of medicalized or basic transportation of
patients, properly authorized

stablish the conditions
and requirements for the organization, operation and functioning for the Regulatory Centers of Emergencies and Disasters.
Is an non assistance operating unit, responsible of coordinate and regulate the
territory under its jurisdiction, the services’ access of emergency and health care
for the harmed population.in case of emergency or disaster.

A.Resources of the departments. B.Resourcesfrom contracts or agreements. C.Resources from other entities D.Resources of cooperation agencies.
a) Territorial guarantee b) Competition c) Authorization d) Geographical integration e) Organization and coordination of health communications network, for the attention of emergency, emergencies and disasters, in the territory of its influence.