Culminating Activity: Charcuterie Board


Lesson #1 - General Shop Safety

Activity - Students draw a floor plan
of the shop. Labeling all shop equipment,
important safety materials and emergency

Lesson #2 - PPE Safety

Activity - Word-Picture Matching Exercise

Lesson #3 - WHMIS/MSDS Safety

Formative Activity - Scavenger Hunt. Find corresponding WHMIS/MSDS labels matching written descriptions in handout.

Lesson #4 - Fire Safety

Activity - Group trivia exercise.

Lesson #5 - Electrical Safety

Activity - Have students identify hand powered tool with a faulty wire.

Lesson #6 - Machine Safety

Formative Activity - Have students locate all the safety guards and emergency stop buttons on equipment.

Lesson #7 - Tool Safety and Maintenance

Activity - Show students how to safely change out a dull chop saw/table saw blade.

Lesson #8 - Lifting Techniques

Activity - Have students reorganize lumber rack using proper lifting techniques.

Lesson #9 - Health and Safety

Activity - Word Search

Lesson #10 - Behavior Expectations and Responsibility

Formative Activity - Assign the students with shop clean up tasks that they will be assigned for the semester. Go over specifics in the shop.

Summative Activity - Safety Passport


Lesson #1 - Intro to Measurement Tools

Activity - Get students familiar with different
measuring tools by practicing measuring objects in the classroom.

Lesson # 2 - Measurement Units

Activity - Volume/Capacity handouts

Lesson # 3 - Levels and Squares

Formative Activity - Have students check corner walls with framing squares and cabinets in the shop with levels for plumb.

Lesson #4 - Precision of Measurement

Activity - Have students measure and mark cut lines and demonstrate the difference between cutting on either side of the line in comparison to cutting through the line completely.

Lesson #5 - Estimation/Material Breakout

Activity - Provide students with with plans for a project and have them estimate the amount of material needed. Compare their results with actual measurements of materials needed.

Lesson #6 - Digital Measurement

Formative Activity - Haves students pull measurements off of laser levels and take various measurements through out the classroom with laser measuring tools (e.g. Bosch Laser Measure).

Lesson #7 - Angle Measurement

Activity - Have the students measure different angles in the classroom with manual/digital angles finders.

Lesson #8 - Pythagorean Theorem

Activity - Have students calculate the total rise and run of a stair in the school.

Lesson #9 - Lay Out

Formative Activity - Have the students draw the lay out for a small structure.

Lesson #10 - Advanced Measuring

Summative Activity - Have various items to measure within the classroom with strict tolerance. Compare students measurements to actuals measurements at end of activity.


Lesson #1 - Introduction

Activity - Provide the students with
different examples of design techniques,
both good and bad. Elaborate on why which technique was the preferred choice.

Lesson #2 - Materials

Activity - Have students match the material
description to the corresponding photo of the

Lesson #3 - Sketching and Drawing Techniques

Formative activity - Have students create rough sketches and drawings of charcuterie boards.

Lesson #4 - Blueprint Reading

Activity - Assist the students in
creating a set of blueprints for a project.

Lesson #5 - Model Building

Activity - Students build a scale model of
project they've created using different building
materials popsicle sticks, straws, lego, etc.

Lesson #6 - Designing with Safety in Mind

Formative Activity - Egg Drop Challenge that focuses on the students designing a frame/structure around an egg to protect it from a drop of 10-20 feet.

Lesson #7 - Sustainable Design

Activity - Students design the planter box project incorporating the use of recycled materials.

Lesson #8 - Intro to Auto Cad

Activity - Have the students bring their rough sketches/drawings to life on auto cad.

Lesson #9 - Presentation Skills

Formative Activity - The students will combine all of their sketches, drawings, etc into a portfolio to present.

Lesson #10 - Evaluation

Summative Activity - Students present their designs, provide them with constructive feedback.

Tool Specific Safety/Operation

Lesson #1 - Chop Saw

Activity - Demo

Lesson #2 - Planer

Activity - Demo

Lesson #3 - Jointer

Formative Activity - Students demonstrate safe work practices on all three machines.

Lesson #4 - Table Saw

Activity - Demo

Lesson #5 - Band Saw

Activity - Demo

Lesson #6 - Router

Formative Activity - Students demonstrate safe work practices on all three machines.

Lesson #7 - Orbital Sander

Activity - Demo

Lesson #8 - Stroke Sander

Activity - Demo

Lesson #9 - Edge Sander

Activity - Demo

Lesson #10 - Hand Sanding

Formative Activity - Students demonstrate safe work practices on all remaining machines.

Summative Activity - Students create and present finished charcuterie boards to teacher.


Lesson #1 - Potential Career Paths

Lesson #2 - Resume Workshop

Lesson #3 - Cover Letter Workshop

Formative Activity - Have the students create a resume and cover letter for a construction tech job.

Lesson #4 - SHSM

Lesson #5 - OYAP

Lesson #6 - Jobsite Certifications

Formative Activity - Students match the appropriate jobsite certification to the corresponding trade.

Lesson #7 - Interview Preparation

Lesson #8 - Portfolio Workshop

Lesson #9 - Guest speaker/woodshop tour

Summative Activity - Student create a job specific portfolio and present it to the teacher.