Diagnosis Treatment

Rolling release

I don't understand what it means

It means a rapid closing rate,
the clubface goes from open to shut so fast it can make it difficult to time the release and get consistent face angles day in day out
improving it will make your swing more consistent

Let's change that, click here on the bottom right to develop

Cluface is open for too long and needs to close rapidly


Grip is a little bit too weak to make it easy


see 3 knuckles

doesn't really work

Make sure the radius is on the right side of the shaft

make sure you use the correct wrist and forearm movements in transition :
right wrist pronation and extension and left wrist supination and flexion


stop a car with your right hand coming to your right side in transition
This should take care of the right side movements
and you said you prefered focusing on the right side for now

Chicken or the egg situation
Maybe you don't rotate well enough too allow for the face to get squared up

either way i need to correct both right ?


Left shoulder goes into External rotation too early

could come from a misconception that you need the left arm to stay connected to the chest

Definitely thought i had to keep left arm straight
and glued to the chest

Can i feel my left elbow stays pointed to the target ?

That's what many players like to feel yes teel us how it goes

allow your left arm to disconnect,
you can try and have a head cover on the back side of your arm pit and try and drop it coming into impact

isn't that a chicken wing ?

Not if your face is stable
don't worry we'll keep an eye on that

You don't rotate well enough yet

We've already talked about how you can load the backswing a bit better and why restricting the lower body can prevent you from having a good separation in transition remember ?

this should stay top priority and you should get better over the next weeks

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