Role of geography and western europe lacked proximity to china and looking for alternative routes.
The drowth of nation sates and ambitios euro

How did indigenous populations

about 300 millon years ago and it began to break apart about 175 millon years ago

1.2 and the fall of Rome led to a fragmented continent.

Technology and exploration and seafaring vikings created and larger ship design and notable sailing advances and voyages increased and knoleg of this land.

fierce and bloody and england completes for land with spain

Spain secured its claim to Columbus’s discovery in the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), dividing with Portugal the “heathen lands” of the New World. The lion’s share went to Spain, but Portugal received compensating territory in Africa and Asia, as well as title to lands that one day would be Brazil

The Renaissance and Elizabethan Age of Exploration to the New World was dominated by the Spanish Conquistadors. The success of the Spanish Conquistadors in acquiring monopolies on much of the Eastern spice trade and their expeditions to the New World brought great wealth and power to Spain.

Much of Spain's exploration of the Americas centered on the desire to find gold and silver. These precious metals were valuable because they were used to make coins, which were the basis of most of Europe's monetary systems.

Too much gold is like too much birthday cake!!!

New World wealth in Spain drives prices up 300 to 500% Part of this reason was the rapid increase in money (then silver and gold) chasing a fixed amount of goods.


Cortez utilized a Mexican

Conquistadores such as Pizzaro

Cortez utilized a Mexican

1.1 From Pangaea to Paradise

1492 54 million people conquird two american continents and the planing of corn started in 1200 b.c.and pueblo means village and population of 1.15 million and discovery 1400-1600

The Renaissance and Elizabethan Age of Exploration to the New World was dominated by the Spanish Conquistadors. The success of the Spanish Conquistadors in acquiring monopolies on much of the Eastern spice trade and their expeditions to the New World brought great wealth and power to Spain.

From the 16th to the 18th century, Spanish mines in Mexico and South America produced roughly 80 percent of the world's silver production and 70 percent of gold at a time when these precious metals were the most widely accepted international currency.


encomienda system

he Spanish clergy, particularly Jesuits and Franciscans, played a critical role in settling the Southwest using the mission

n addition, as Indians converted, a form of Catholicism that was unique to the Americas developed to accommodate the converts.

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, or Popé's Rebellion, was an uprising of most of the Pueblo Indians against the Spanish colonizers in present day New Mexico.The Pueblo killed 400 Spanish and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the province. Twelve years later the Spanish returned and were able to reoccupy New Mexico with little opposition

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, or Popé's Rebellion, was an uprising of most of the Pueblo Indians against the Spanish colonizers in present day New Mexico.The Pueblo killed 400 Spanish and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the province. Twelve years later the Spanish returned and were able to reoccupy New Mexico with little opposition

The Spanish, who had more than a century’s head start over the English, were genuine empire builders and cultural innovators in the New Word.

Pristine myth

Cahokia 600-1400 a.d. and The Iroquios Confederacy circa 1142 a.d. and The Aztecs

The Aztec empire 1428- 1500 a.d. and the inca empire 1438- 1533 a.d.

nation building

The Spanish crown’s determination