Dual Language Instruction

Importance of dual language resources

supports multiculturalism/tolerance

helps ELLs see that home and school are intertwined

promotes the notion of ELLs "continuing" with their education and knowledge base, opposed to starting as a "blank slate" which they are not

allows ELLs and English speaking peers to connect/relate

provides English speaking students an avenue of learning a little of a foreign language

Representation in resources bodes well for self-confidence

Communicating importance to parents/guardians

Dual language approach makes for more meaningful connections to the content, thereby making understanding deeper and easier

Dual language approach may better equip families to support their ELL child's learning at home

Increasing globalization in society means acquisition of language is greatly beneficial, as opposed to swapping/trading of language proficiency (more the merrier)

Canadian culture is inclusive (or at least should be) to different race, creeds, and colours, so assimilation is contrary to the goal

Benefits for students

Boosts confidence and agency in ELL students

Influences and promotes inclusion to the entire class

Communicates multiculturalism in this increasingly globalized society

Builds communication skills for all

Multilingualism opens professional doors down the road

Provides opportunity for interesting/additional content for students who want more of a challenge beyond the English material

L1 support strategies

Providing dual language assignment opportunities

Create dual-language books

Create dual-language informational pamphlet about their home country

Pair with a fluent English speaking student and create a dual-language skit, portraying an everyday interaction

"Culture exchange" - pair students, have the ELL and teach their partner 1 new word every week from their L1

Ongoing word-bank, where ELL gradually adds terms

As a little personal book

As mini anchor charts around the classroom

Pair ELL with another student proficient in their L1

Provide access to assistive translating technology (ex. Google Translate)