
Displays data from a frquency table.
You would use a Histogram when analyzing a distribution of data.
It has one bar for each of the intervals.
Box and Whisker plot
A data display that divides data values into four parts.
They use Lower quartile, upper quartile, Lower extreme, upper extreme, and Innerquartile range.
Each section shows 25% of the data.
You would use a box and whisker plot when you give a simple summary of numeric data with 5 or more observations.
Stem and Leaf
Stem and leaf plots are used to show clusters of datas and spread of data. It is usually for small data sets.
In a stem and leaf plot, each data value is split up into two parts, called the "Stem" and the "Leaf".
Stem and Leaf plots can be used to compare values in one set of data, or to compare two sets of related data.
Bar Graph
Bars may touch or be seperated.
Bar graphs are useful to get an overall idea of trends in responses.
Bars can be vertical or horizontal
You should use a bar graph when you are just showing multiple data next to each other.
Line Graph
You would use a line graph when you would want to show change over time
A graph in which points representing data pairs are connected bt line segments.
Points on a line graph are connected by line segments.