How to keep feeding the world
Fertilizers are being used to enhance production
Weather is a factor in harvesting crops. A drought can affect supply
Fossil fuels are used in farming and this contributes to greenhouse gases
The problem is not supply, but the supply chain.

Supply Chain
Previous supply chain approaches aren't sufficient
Physical distribution is disrupted
Processing and closures
Optimization needs to be used in management
Certain industries are finding new countries to resource from, this means the supply chain will change.
Consumer Issues in the supply chain; Quarantine
Milk industry is struggling since demand decreased for milk
Since milk is perishable, it goes to waste if it is not consumed
Truck drivers are being laid off
Income and Job Loss
Individuals are being laid off
Due to Covid-19, more than 50% are in risk of loosing a lot of income.
Non essential businesses are closed during Covid-19
Physical Distribution
Truck drivers are being laid off
Long wait times for the truck industry make it hard for companies
Restriction on goods that can be exported
Border Closures
Air freight is becoming difficult
Global supply chains are tightly inderdependent

Global Food Chain
Shortages in supermarkets
Agriculture exports
Many closures and industries struggling with supply chain and demand for certain products
The global food chain is holding on for now