Jefferson's First Inauguration

Sets a prescedent for the people that government is still going to work the same.

to honor and confidence from our fellow citizens, resulting not from birth but from our actions and their sense of them; enlightened by a benign religion, professed, indeed, and practiced in various forms;Still one thing more, fellow citizens--a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another

It's everyone's choice what country to llive in and what religion to practice but everyone is entitled to a governmetn whether they want it or not.

Everyone is entitled to government and even though there's a new president the government is still going to act in the same way.

The connection to American Democracy is that people are still entitled to a government, and when a new president takes office the basic function of thr government doesn't change.

No animostisty on Jefferson's half between federalists and Democrat-Republicans.

we are all republicans- we are all federalists. If there is any amoung us who would wish to dissolve this Union or change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of safety

Everyone is either a republican or a ferderalist and if you are neither, there is no hard feelings and no one will attack you.

Before Jefferson if you weren't a republican or a federalist you were ridiculed and shunned.

The connection to American Democracy is when a different party whens the other one doesn't get upset or attack.

Jefferson's essential parts of government.

Preservation of general government in its whole consitional vigor, equal and exact justice to all men, support of state governmetns in all their rights

He thought first amendment rights should be performed and followed, he wanted economy to serve the people.

Wanted the states to prosper and in doing so protect the people by the government.

The connection to american democracy is that the government still protects the rights of the people.