Jonathan Rios Strengths


Consider becoming a stand-up comedian, actor, motivational speaker, or trainer.

Explore sales positions that require making presentations.

Illustrate scholarly concepts with real-life examples. Help others learn in the process.

Capture your audience’s interest by telling stories to amplify an idea, concept, theory, scientific law, philosophical point, ethical quandary, or historic event.

Converse about the subject matter until you fully understand it.


Identify jobs in which you will be expected to put together pieces of plans, processes, projects, and events.

For an interesting and challenging project, enlist friends and classmates to search the Internet for information about team-oriented occupations.

Break each study session into distinct modules. Plan time to read, write, work on projects, eat, sleep, exercise, and socialize.

Recognize that you can change your personal agenda to meet others’ demands. Ponder how you adjust your living and working environment to help others reach their goals.

Mix and match the talents, knowledge, skills, and experience of your classmates to launch a project, move toward a goal, or produce desired outcomes.


Choose a career where you can supervise or lead a group of people, because you will build a sense of team and belongingness.

You will add benefit to a work environment, bringing them together for a common goal.

In small groups in class, try to get each student to participate. Ask him or her for opinions.

Study with other people. If someone in the group is not talking, try to bring him or her into the conversation.

Invite someone who is shy but intelligent to study with you.


Choose a career in which you can be looked up to or admired.

Work with people who show that they appreciate your hard work.

Think about why a particular class is important to your future.

Identify three of your personal goals and connect them to your academic life.

Take control of your life, beginning with your education.


Ensure that future employers know how much they can count on you.

Find a manager and coworkers who will trust you to follow through.

Prepare for the term by listing the dates of all tests, projects, and papers.

Ask professors and successful students to show you what an “A” paper and an “A” essay look like.

Think about what it would mean to be a truly responsible student. Work toward that standard in a progressive manner, taking one step at a time.