Phsycology of Sport
cant touch pride/ happiness
External praise
NAF (Need to avoid failure)
I want to avoid failure because the only way I can improve is to do my best, and push myself if I failed I would lack confidence.
If I perform well I don't mind about the score just as long as the team tried their best and gave it there all.
Makes you feel good
Comes from the heart
Gain knowledge/fitness
Want to achieve/prove a point
How motivation can be maintained and improved for yourself and others?
If you give 100% in games and training no one can ask anything more.
Before games to focus I listen to music to shut everything out. I also am motivated in my sport because I play with my friends and I enjoy the social side of it.
However we push ourselves because we want to be better than one another, that's why it gets more competitive
I don't like to fail but I wont give up because nothing just gets given to you, you have to work for it.
I like to get praise because it encourages me and makes me want to work harder as it feels good doing well.
I want to prove to people I can do it by myself and get recognition for my work.
The competition is only getting harder so you have to want it more than anyone else.
Motivation in everyday life
Motivation makes you determined to do well and work hard in every day life
NACH (Need to Achieve)
I try to work on my kicking in my spare time to get that advantage, and think of different ways to change the game up and make different decisions.
I want to keep improving and be able to play in other positions in rugby being able to play a variety of positions will help you go further.

Psychological demands of Sport
Playing for the badge
Teams reputation
Requirement of vyour position on the team
To become a better player and team
High standards
Work for the team
High expectations
Injuries might knock your confidence
Getting the team up for the match
Mind set
Dan carter the best kicker in the world
How can I better my performance?
Training with someone else will better my performance because I'm quite a competitive athlete having someone work with me will push me and help me improve.
Review of Psychological training programme
Location of Physiological skills
This programme doesn't mean you have to do it in a private location, on Thursdays I now go to the gym instead of having a rest day. Next time I would do more breathing techniques and visualisation to prepare and visualise myself kicking the rugby ball correctly.
Length of Duration
The length of the training sessions are roughly 2 hours which could be seen as to long for some people, and gym sessions are an hour. Next time I will do meditation to relax the body quietly in my room before or after a game.
Was it too repetitive? Too boring? How would you change it? Different each week, What?
Its a little repetitve but we change the style of music each week and change the drills in the gym so it doesn't start becoming Tedious.
Playlists? How does this effect your training?
I think the certain type of playlist makes you concentrate and shut things out which may help you focus. Whereas having upbeat pop music can make you pumped and ready for the upcoming match.
Skills and Attitudes
When I kick a ball In rugby i visualise where its going
I also get 1 to 1 coaching I like to get feedback on how I played and what I need to improve on.
Warm up psychologically gets you prepared and ready for the game, it helps me focus and so does listening to music it helps me shut everything out and the pressure.
One of my weaknesses is my breathing technique as I focus on holding a movement and forget about my breathing. Which if I worked on it would help me hold the movement for longer, if I focus more on my breathing it will help me focus and get Oxygen to the brain will help me focus a lot more.
Main topic
Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 Training
Group discussion before and after game Personal exercises.
REST DAY Training/Game day
Set plays before game split backs and forwards and chilled music to keep focused and shut everything out
REST DAY Gym/Training
Loud up beat music (R&B)
Core exercises such as plank/press ups/sit ups
Strength exercises such as bench press/deadlift/back squat
for 45 minutes
Breathing exercises
S&C Game day
Car journey slow music and then pumped music in changing rooms before game.
Set plays before game. Discussion before and after the game.
Week 2 Training Group discussion before and after game
Personal exercises
REST DAY Training/Game day
Loud/fast music to get us pumped for the game.
Set plays split backs and forwards
Group discussion before and after game
REST DAY Gym/Training
Loud / upbeat music
Sprint training
Core exercises Plank/press ups / sit ups
Strength exercises Goblet squat/Bench press/deadlift for 45 minutes
TRAINING S&C Game day car journey slow music to focus and then in changing rooms R&B music to get pumped Group discussion before and after game.
Week 3 Training
Group discussion before and after game
Personal exercises
REST DAY Training/Game day
Relax more so slow music so shut things out and take pressure off.
Set plays split backs and forwards.
REST DAY Gym/ Training
Loud/upbeat music
Sprint training
Core exercises
Sit ups/press ups/plank
Strength exercises
Deadlift/ free weights/back squat for 45 minutes
S&C Game day car journey slow music and then in changing rooms fast music (R&B) to get pumped for the game. Discussion before and after game.
Jonny Wilkinson
Jonny Wilkinson wants everytrhing to be perfect he plays with the fear of letting his team down to motivate himself
" I never ever believed that i could give up on this dream
which has driven me to live,breathe,love and embrace the game of rugby from the earliest days that i can remeber."
Perfomance v Money
The pressure Wilkinson put himself under became
unbearable and his constant self critism coming only during a match
Jonny Wilkinson only focused on being the best
and improving his own performance because he
had so much love for the game.
He couldnt take his rugby shirt off when he left the pitch,
he couldnt be himself.It was as if he was competing all the
Personality and Performance
Personality affects a sports performer such as Usain Bolt as he is humble in interviews, however he is an active person and confident. He interacts with his fans and is quite open. Hes a little bit cocky, and likes the attention.
Jonny Wilkinson is my role model and they are similar because they can both be humble,but Usain Bolt doesn't maintain it he changes his attitude and gets a bit caught up in the lime light.
Jonny Wilkinson keeps a lot to himself and is very interactive with wanting to help kids develop there rugby skills. He is very humble and stays the same on and off the pitch.
He inspires a lot of players when it comes to being a role model as he works hard and
Who did he play for?

He represented England and the British and Irish Lions
He played rugby union for Toulon
Twelve seasons in the English priemership
with the Newcastle Falcons
Who is Jonny Wilkinson?
Born on the 25th may
Jonny wilkinson is mostly known for being one of the best fly halfs he is mostly known for scoring a drop goal in 2003 to beat Australia 20-17
91 caps for England