landform regions

appalacian trees

appalacian trees


the applacain mountains are like a nice stripped forest filled with beautiful red maple/dedicious, white ash/dedicious, birch/dedicious and tons of other trees. It stretches through both the United States and Canada. The appalacian mountains can be found going through Nova Scotia, New brunswick, Newfound-land and Quebec

appalacian mountains

appalacian mountains

Canadian Shield

Canadian Shield


The canadian sheild resembles the shape of a horse shoe. It covers most of the eastern and northwestern Canada and is centered under the Hudson Bay. In the canadian sheild you can find all different kinds of trees. Black Spruce is a coniferous tree,red, white and eastern white pine,eastern hemlock; and eastern red cedar. Theres hills and theres lots of bear rock. You can find lots of fish in the flow of rivers

Canadian Shield

Canadian Shield

Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands

Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands


The Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region is located in North America, primarily in the northeastern part of the United States and southern Canada. It spans the Great Lakes—Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario—and includes the St. Lawrence River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean. Theres lots of black bears dquerrels bald eagles and more.

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arcitc lowlands

arcitc lowlands


the arctic lowlands is a low flat snowy place. Its a north.It goes through nunuvut

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the innuittion moiuntains is in northern Canada. In Nunuvut. Its a snowy cold place with glaciers. You can find ince covered mountains. You can find lots of polar bear caribou and snowy owls and more.

innuation mountains

innuation mountains


the innuittion moiuntains is in northern Canada. In Nunuvut. Its a snowy cold place with glaciers. You can find ince covered mountains. You can find lots of polar bear caribou and snowy owls and more.

innuation mountains

innuation mountains


the innuittion moiuntains is in northern Canada. In Nunuvut. Its a snowy cold place with glaciers. You can find ince covered mountains. You can find lots of polar bear caribou and snowy owls and more.

interior plains

interior plains


the interior plains is a place in north america. It includes places like ALberta, Saskatuchwan, Manitoba, and the great planes in the UNited States. The interior plains is mostly flat.You csan find some pine trees. You can find birds cayotes and more in the intoerior plains

western cordillera

western cordillera


the western cordillera is a place in the North America, from Alaska in the north, through Canada, and down to the southwestern United States, including parts of Washington, Oregon, and California. Its rocky mouatins including nnice beautiful kong rivers. The Western Cordillera has a mix of coniferous forests, including pine, fir, spruce, and cedar You can sometimes find wolves cougars and squirreles and more in the western cordillera

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