My Learner Profile: (Insert Picture)
Nicholas Cabral
All About Me
What makes me special (5):
Where do I feel belonging? (4) (community, nation, place)
What are my interests? (4) (things I like or are passionate about)
What do I want to learn more about? (4)
What do I wish I could do more of? (4)
How do I Communicate (4):
Who are your cheerleaders? (4):
Catholic Graduate Expectations
Strength (2 + 3 Points for each)
Need (2 + 3 Points for each)
Where are you in your faith journey? (3)
Choose an inspirational quote from Genesis or Exodus that resonates with you. (1 Quote + 3 points)
Choose a prayer that helps center you. (1 + 3 points)

My Goals
What do I want to get better at this year at school? (6 points - these can be divided in different ways)
What do I want to get better at this year at home or in life (personal goals)? (6 points - these can be divided in different ways)
What goals do I have for the future? (personal and academic) (2 for each)
My Self-Regulation
What are my major stressors? How do I lighten the load? (Part 3) (3 stressors + 3 points)
I get upset or frustrated when: (Part 4) (3 + 3 points)
Things that help me stay calm or calm down: (Part 4) (3 + 3 Points)
In what ways can I help move myself from survival to learning mode? (5 points)
My Exective Functions
Executive Functions that will help my Learning Skills:
What EFs do I excel in? (EF Survey) (3 + 3 points)
My Strengths (Things that I feel good about, or that make me special, or that can help my community.)
What are some things that I am really good at? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What are things I can do on my own? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What are some things that I can help others with or teach to others? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What am I proud of? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What gift/talent/skill do I possess? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What am I proud of? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
My Stretches (Things that I need help with or need more practice at, or I want to get better at this year.)
What are things that are hard, but I am getting better at? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What affects my learning that is out of my control? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What affects me at school? (environment, bright lights, noise, hungry, injustices) (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What will I need support for? (3 + 2 reasons for each)
What do I need help with? (3 + 2 reasons for each)

How You Can Help Me
What are the most important things that you want all teachers to do for you so that you will feel loved, inspired, and successful? State what you need to help you learn.
In Class:
What are some tools that I can use to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested? (2 + 3 reasons)
What are some actions that I can do to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
What are some actions of others that help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
During Tests: (5 points)
Technology: (5 points)
Main topic
How I Will Advocate For Myself
What will you do to take charge of your own learning? (6 points)