Shift of literacy from an isolated personal experience to a community experience.
AASL Standards1.1.9 Collaborate with othersto broaden and deepenunderstanding.1.3.4 Contribute to theexchange of ideaswithin the learningcommunity.3.1.2 Participate andcollaborate asmembers of a socialand intellectualnetwork oflearners.3.2.1 Demonstrateleadership andconfi dence bypresenting ideasto others in bothformal and informalsituations.3.2.2 Show socialresponsibility byparticipating activelywith others in learningsituations and bycontributing questionsand ideas duringgroup discussions.3.2.3 Demonstrateteamwork by workingproductively withothers.
Provides for creative expression and active participation.
AASL Standards1.3.4 Contribute to theexchange of ideaswithin the learningcommunity.1.4.2 Use interactionwith and feedbackfrom teachers andpeers to guide owninquiry process.3.2.2 Show socialresponsibility byparticipating activelywith others in learningsituations and bycontributing questionsand ideas duringgroup discussions.3.2.3 Demonstrateteamwork by workingproductively withothers.
a culture in which there are formal and informal memberships and afffliations
AASL Standards3.1.2 Participate andcollaborate asmembers of a socialand intellectualnetwork oflearners.
produces new creative forms
AASL Standards4.1.8 Use creative andartistic formats toexpress personallearning.
Collaboration in problem solving.
AASL Standards3.1.2 Participate andcollaborate asmembers of a socialand intellectualnetwork oflearners.3.2.2 Show socialresponsibility byparticipating activelywith others in learningsituations and bycontributing questionsand ideas duringgroup discussions.3.2.3 Demonstrateteamwork by workingproductively withothers.3.3.5 Contribute to theexchange of ideaswithin and beyond thelearning community.
Shapes the flow of media
AASL Standards4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Community learning experiences
Affilliations such as social media, gaming and forums
AASL Standards1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.3.1.2 Participate and collaborate as members of a ocial and intellectual network of learners.
Expressions such as digital sampling, zines, mashups
AASL Standards4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Collaborative problem solving such as contributions to wikis or through AR gaming
AASL Standards1.1.9 Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.
Circulations such as blogging, podcasting of producing vidoes.
4.1.8 Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Afffinity Spaces
opportunity for learning through common endeavors
AASL Standards3.1.2 Participate andcollaborate asmembers of a socialand intellectualnetwork oflearners.
Students are more engaged in the cultural economy and the intellectual property rights of others when the create their own media.
AASL Standards3.3.7 Respect the principlesof intellectual freedom1.3.1 Respect copyright/intellectual propertyrights of creatorsand producers.
Involvement in affinity spaces bridges the gap between consumers of media and producers of media as everyone has a stake the culture that is created
AASL Standards1.2.3 Demonstrate creativityby using multipleresources and formats.1.1.9 Collaborate with othersto broaden and deepenunderstanding.
57% of teens who use the internet are creators of media
AASL Standards2.1.6 Use the writingprocess, media andvisual literacy, andtechnology skillsto create productsthat express newunderstandings.
Lack of guidance or supervision in new media, lack of ethical oversight, unwritten norms exist about acceptable behaviors.
AASL Standards1.3.3 Follow ethical and legalguidelines in gatheringand using information1.3.5 Use informationtechnology responsibly
Students are adept at using media, but are limited in ability to examine the media they are using.
AASL STandards1.1.7 Make sense ofinformation gatheredfrom diverse sourcesby identifyingmisconceptions,main and supportingideas, confl ictinginformation, and pointof view or bias.
students may believe all information is authentic
AASL Standards1.2.4 Maintain a criticalstance by questioningthe validity andaccuracy of allinformation
Determining the value and quality of information is more challenging
AASL Standards1.2.4 Maintain a criticalstance by questioningthe validity andaccuracy of allinformation
site format can affect how much credibility is attached to a website
AASL Standards1.2.2 Demonstrateconfi dence and self-direction by makingindependent choicesin the selectionof resources andinformation.1.2.4 Maintain a criticalstance by questioningthe validity andaccuracy of allinformation.
students have no way of determining, hyowever what is amateur and what is professional.
AASL Standards1.2.4 Maintain a criticalstance by questioningthe validity andaccuracy of allinformation.
Participation Gap
Unequal access to opportunitites that will prepare children for the world at large
it's not enough for children to have technology, but also be able to utilize the extent of that technology to its fullest.
AASL Standards1.1.8 Demonstrate masteryof technology tools foraccessing informationand pursuing inquiry1.2.3 Demonstrate creativityby using multipleresources and formats
Students who are media savvy are often unable to use their best learning techniques in an effort to provide a level playing field in the classroom
AASL Standards1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process inseeking knowledge incurricular subjects,and make the real-world connection forusing this process inown life.1.1.2 Use prior andbackground knowledgeas context for newlearning.
Students who are not media savvy in turn struggle to keep up
AASL Standards1.4.4 Seek appropriate helpwhen it is needed.
Core Literacy Skills
Using play and experimentation as a type of problem solving
AASL Standards:1.2.5 Demonstrate adaptability by changing the inquiry focus, questions, resources, or strategies when necessary to achieve success.1.3.4 Contribute to the exchange of ideas within the learning community.4.1.4 Seek information for personal learning in a variety of formats and genres
Students engaged in play as a learning environment are more motived because the outcome matters more to that individual
using simulation to interpret and construct models of real work processes.
AASL Standards2.1.4 Use techology and other information tools to analyze and organize information.1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.
Games offer a way to learn through direct experience which can be translated to real world learning.
Appropriation or the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content
AASL Standards2.1.6 Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products that express new understandings.
Demonstrate distributed cognition skills or the ability to interact with tools that expand our mental capacities.
AASL Standards1.1.8 Demonstrate the mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.
includes the ability to utilize social institutions, and practices or experts who may be helpful in problem solving
AASL Standards4.1.7 Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information.
Performance or the ability to adopt an alternative identity for the purpose of discovery.
AASL Standard4.3.4 Practice safe and ethical behaviors in personal electronic communication and interaction.4.2.1 Display curiosity by pursuing interests through multiple resources.
The ability to multi-task or to recognize the important details over many informational environments.
1.1.5 Evaluate informationfound in selectedsources on the basisof accuracy, validity,appropriateness forneeds, importance,and social andcultural context.1.1.6 Read, view, andlisten for informationpresented in anyformat (e.g., textual,visual, media, digital)in order to makeinferences andgather meaning
Collective intelligence or the ability to work with others for a common goal.
AASL Standards2.1.5 Collaborate withothers to exchangeideas, develop newunderstandings, makedecisions, and solveproblems.3.1.2 Participate andcollaborate asmembers of a socialand intellectualnetwork oflearners.3.2.2 Show socialresponsibility byparticipating activelywith others in learningsituations and bycontributing questionsand ideas duringgroup discussions.3.2.3 Demonstrateteamwork by workingproductively withothers.
Judgement or the ability to evaluate the credibility of information sources.
AASL Standards1.1.5 Evaluate informationfound in selectedsources on the basisof accuracy, validity,appropriateness forneeds, importance,and social andcultural context.1.1.7 Make sense ofinformation gatheredfrom diverse sourcesby identifyingmisconceptions,main and supportingideas, confl ictinginformation, and pointof view or bias.1.2.2 Demonstrateconfi dence and self-direction by makingindependent choicesin the selectionof resources andinformation.
Students must learn how to "read" one source of information against another.
AASL Standards1.2.4 Maintain a criticalstance by questioningthe validity andaccuracy of allinformation.
The abiility to synthesize information from a a varied or media platforms.
Students are able to search for and apply information to create new ideas.
AASL Standards4.2.1 Display curiosity bypursuing intereststhrough multipleresources.1.1.7 Make sense ofinformation gatheredfrom diverse sourcesby identifyingmisconceptions,main and supportingideas, confl ictinginformation, and pointof view or bias.2.1.1 Continue an inquiry-based research processby applying critical-thinking skills (analysis,synthesis, evaluation,organization) toinformation andknowledge in orderto construct newunderstandings, drawconclusions, and createnew knowledge.
Bridges the gap socially, politically, economically between the online world and the real world experiences.
AASL Standards2.3.1 Connectunderstanding tothe real world.
Integration of media education has been hapazard and needs to be better integrated into the education system
Ways to improve media literacy outside the classroom
After school programs
Parent involvement
Schools need to train students to become collaborative problem solvers.
AASL Standards3.2.3 Demonstrateteamwork by workingproductively withothers.3.3.1 Solicit and respectdiverse perspectiveswhile searchingfor information,collaboratingwith others, andparticipating asa member of thecommunity.
By becoming collective problem solvers problems of greater scale can be tackled than by single individuals
AASL Standards3.3.3 Use knowledge andinformation skillsand dispositionsto engage in publicconversation anddebate around issuesof common concern.3.3.4 Create products thatapply to authentic,real-world contexts.3.3.5 Contribute to theexchange of ideaswithin and beyond thelearning community.