Personal reach
Family& friends

If you think that your family eats too much unhealthy food, you can start cooking healthy food on your own.
If you see someone you know eating or drinking something that you know is bad their for health, you can inform them how unhealthy the item is. If they decide to stop eating or drinking that item after that, then when they see someone they know eating or drinking the same item, your friend/family can inform them about its danger.
Giving advice
If you see a friend or family member that could use some advice about their health, you can give that advice to them.
dThe city

Mississauga has a customer service line that people can call for complaints which allows you to file complaints. You can make complaints about certain unhealthy things that catch your eye.
Informing on a bigger scale
Why stop at your family and friends, you can inform other people too! You can do thins such as putting out posters about nutrition that might catch people's eyes or you can talk about on social media.
One of the most simple things you can do to make improve your health, when you start seeing how exercising is improving how look and how strong you are, you may start making healthier decisions with food and drinks.
dFood labels
You are able to check the food labels of everything you eat or drink. With that information you can decide weather the item is healthy for you considering your daily intake of the items in the food/drink.
getting groceries
You are now old enough to be able to go out and get groceries on your own. When doing that, you can get healthier options instead of high sugar and high calorie items.
Personally asking the principal
You can go the principal and ask to make the food in the school healthier making the cafeteria's food healthier or to get healthy vending machines like the ones they have at other certain schools.
Suggestion box
You can go to your school's suggestion box and write down suggestions such as to help the school make the cafeteria's food more healthy

You can start a social media account and start telling people about the risks of some foods and drinks. If these media accounts start getting more and more famous, It can reach places further then even Canada.
Supporting Businesses
Instead of shopping at big corporations and businesses, you can shops at healthy local shops and flea markets to help the healthier businesses grow.