Intent 2: needing a prayer:Training:Can you pray for meI need a prayers Bot:Please indicate which group you would like to receive your prayer request and to support you in prayer:● Minesterial staff● Congregation● Intercessory prayers User:Replies Bot:Please provide details about how we can pray for you? User:Replies Bot:We'll help you pray for it and can send a reminder if you give your email address and name. Here is a review of it….. is this correctUser:Replies Bot:Your prayer request is received! thank you persons name name. Intent: fallback Other prayer requestsCan I come to church to pray for my father (in the columbarium)?Can I come to the church and pray myself? Bot: Bot: Yes, complete safe entry and call to open gate between 9am to 5pm daily Other prayer requests Can I have a devotionCan I have a prayer nowPlease pray for meI need help Bot: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” ~ Matthew 21:22User: can I have another devotionBot: prayer 2 prayer 3 etc. taken from a web call back and database Bot: checks if anything else User: asks for more devotions or for another intent and bot can ask do they want to come to a service or do they want someone to pray for them. Based on this can go back to other intents. User asks other questions
webhook: getDevotion retur: here is your dedication or changes context to prayer-request
webhook: Set Prayer returns: we will prayer for you $name for your prayer $prayer
Intent 2: needing a prayer:Training:Can you pray for meI need a prayers Bot:Please indicate which group you would like to receive your prayer request and to support you in prayer:● Minesterial staff● Congregation● Intercessory prayers User:Replies Bot:Please provide details about how we can pray for you? User:Replies Bot:We'll help you pray for it and can send a reminder if you give your email address and name. Here is a review of it….. is this correctUser:Replies Bot:Your prayer request is received! thank you persons name name. Intent: fallback Other prayer requestsCan I come to church to pray for my father (in the columbarium)?Can I come to the church and pray myself? Bot: Bot: Yes, complete safe entry and call to open gate between 9am to 5pm daily Other prayer requests Can I have a devotionCan I have a prayer nowPlease pray for meI need help Bot: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” ~ Matthew 21:22User: can I have another devotionBot: prayer 2 prayer 3 etc. taken from a web call back and database Bot: checks if anything else User: asks for more devotions or for another intent and bot can ask do they want to come to a service or do they want someone to pray for them. Based on this can go back to other intents. User asks other questions
UserSelectsPrayerType user: i want to pray bot: what type of prayer I can assist with dedications and prayer requests
UserRequestsDevotion user: inspire me i want a devoltion
UserPrayerRequest bot: we also offer prayer request user: please pray for me user: i want a prayer by a person user: i want someone to pray for me
USerPrayerRequestType bot: Please indicate which group you would like to receive your prayer request and to support you in prayer: ● Minesterial staff ● Congregation ● Intercessory user: I want minister to pray for me user: I want the community to pray for me user: i dont want it
Please indicate which group you would like to receive your prayer request and to support you in prayer:● Minesterial staff● Congregation● Intercessory prayers
UserProvidesName bot: who is the prayer for user: for my aunt user: prayer for me
UserProvidesEmail bot: whats your email so we can confirm when the prayer is made
UserProvidesPrayerContent bot: what can we pray for user: $sys.any
Intent 2: needing a prayer:Training:Can you pray for meI need a prayers Bot:Please indicate which group you would like to receive your prayer request and to support you in prayer:· Minesterial staff· Congregation· Intercessory prayers User:Replies Bot:Please provide details about how we can pray for you? User:Replies Bot:We'll help you pray for it. Here is a review of it….. is this correctUser:Replies Bot:Your prayer request is received! Intent: fallback Other prayer requestsCan I come to church to pray for my father (in the columbarium)?Can I come to the church and pray myself? Bot: Bot: Yes, complete safe entry and call to open gate between 9am to 5pm daily Other prayer requests Can I have a devotionCan I have a prayer nowPlease pray for meI need help Bot: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” ~ Matthew 21:22User: can I have another devotionBot: prayer 2 prayer 3 etc. taken from a web call back and database Bot: checks if anything else User: asks for more devotions or for another intent and bot can ask do they want to come to a service or do they want someone to pray for them. Based on this can go back to other intents. User asks other questions
UserPrayerInChurch bot: do you want to come pray in person at the church of columbrian y/n
Bot: OK our opening hours are .. and our location.. come and enter safe entry..