Different types of bullying
Verbal bullying

Verbal bullying is when a bully verbally attacks you. Verbal bullying is when someone uses their voice aka says something to you about race, looks, weight etc. Verbal bullying can also lead to suicide the most out of the all types of bullying.

Cyberbullying is when people have malicious intent and carry out their actions online. Normally this is carried out on a social media platform Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, X, or your phone number etc. Most people Cyberbully to stay anonymous aka unknown.
physical bullying

Physical bullying is when a bully or group of bullies use physical contact against someone that is normally shorter weaker younger etc. Physical bullying can cause mass amounts of injuries that can be extremely serious and that can put someone in the hospital or even the ICU.
Sexual bullying

Sexual bullying is a form of bullying which involves a persons sex, sexual orientation or with the persons sexual activity. It can also be different types it can be verbal, physical and emotional.
Social bullying

Social bullying is when someone makes rumours, spreads secrets or posts embarrassing videos. They do this to ruin someone's reputation
Bullying VS Conflict
Bullying is the repeating actions of one or more individuals
Handling conflicts

Delaying is trying to divert the situation or conversation by sometimes making up excuses to leave.

Negotiation is when others do stuff, so both parties are happy.

Refusal is saying something you will not do or accept. Or refusal can be someone saying no.
Bullying VS Conflict
Bullying is a repetitive and intentional action by one or more people and an imbalance of power.
Conflict is when people have differences in a group or by themselves.
Communication Styles
Being assertive means you talk to people in a direct honest way and trying not to hurt the other person's feelings.
Being passive means you let people walk all over you, and you don't stand up for yourself. And it means you don't take action and let things happen to you.
Being aggressive means showing your feelings and opinions in a very strong and mean way.
Dangers of the use of computers

If you aren't safe on the internet you can download what's called a virus. A virus is a malicious software or malware that can spread through different computers causing dangers to your data.

A child predator is a person that preys on naive children who don't know any better. They typically want to have a sexual relationship with children. They can also get your personal info if you have shared it with them.`

Addiction is when a person is obsessed in this case computers they can be addicted to video games, social media,