PSP Quality Measures


Yield (for phase)

Defects found / (Defects_found + not_found)

Yield (proceso)

Process Yield is the % of defects injected before a phas that were found *before* that phase

Without a name 'process yield' = phase yield beforo compile and test

Potential Control Parameters

Ex. size units reviewed / hour

defects found per hour

defects found per size unit

review rate is the most useful to improve Yield

PSP review rates

200 LoC/ hour

doucments: 4 pags / hour

Defect Removal Leverage

defects removed per hour by a process step

the usual base is UT

DRL(phase/UT) is the DRL for phase X with respect to unit test.

DRL(phase/UT) = (defects/hour for phase_X) / (defects / hour for unit_test)



Tiempo de compilacion y pruebas

PSP: it is compile and thes time

defect prevention

Identificar y resolver causas


Costs are the codest of inspecting for defects.

In PSP: design and code revie

A/FR = Appraisal_coq / Failue_COQ

la meta es que sea 2. Dedicarle el doble a Appraisal