Refugee Bues


kind of music that express sadness

Bluse: for the sound

Contrasting Images:

Line 2: Maison-holes

Line 11-12: Officially dead- still alive

Line 22: Animal- Human; Love-Hostility

Stanza 9th-10th: Freedom of nature- Persecution


Twelve Tercez

Rime shime: regular AAB

Each stanza repetition in the last tercet


Nature and humanity

Discrimination and antisemitism

1st Stanza: city full of people but they are homeless

2nd Stanza: They can't go back (Germany)

3rd Stanza: Comparison: Nature (blooming every year) and old passport

4th Stanza: For the government are death but they are still alive

5th Stanza: Government said to come back next year

6th Stanza: In a public meeting they told that Juish are gonna still our daily bread ( cristian paradox )

7th Stanza: He compares Hitler hungry speaking with a thunder (methaphor)

8th Stanza: Cats and dogs wore treated better then them ( German jews)

9th-10th Stanza: Nature has a kind of freedom that they as human beang, haven't

11th-12th Stanza: Huge building where there woren't a space for them


Juice wore excaping from Germany

Arriving to England

Publish in 1939 (before war world 2)

Strong political message still relevent today

Cricisism against Hitler, also to English people that aren't welcoming

By Whystan Hugh Auden

Exponent of literature of commitment

Going trought the two war criticize them