shaqure personal/historical timeline
full name (significance): shaqure andre yong. date of birth 2006 may 8. religion born in Canada half Jamaican and half Guinness and quarter Chinese. place of birth Scarborough my skills im good at drawing
I wanted to be an fast runner on the track team but I didn't make the team so. I gave up on that in grade 5 on 2016.
child hood achievements/events
2006 may 8 the day i was born and the day that i got a twin sister/ became an twin
2007 march 19 the day i became an older brother and on 2008 September 3 i got another little sister
on 2010 i started going to kinder garden i made lots of friends but then one day i burned my twin sister's leg with an ironer after that my parents came
grade 7 2017 I got an award for something that I don't really Remember much
grade 8 2019 i had became over some hard ships like math and geography. social studies

on 2016 grade 5 i was running so fast but then i hit an brick wall after that I got a big bump on my head like hematoma. so maybe after that I had head trauma. some teachers where involved and my parents
Icelandic volcano Fagradalsfjall erupts for the first time in 800 years and after more than 50,000 earthquakes on march 19 2021
Completed in 2008, China's Spring Temple Buddha was the largest statue in the world until 2018. It was conceived after the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan by the Taliban in 2001.
Bombings outside a school in Kabul, Afghanistan, kill at least 50 people, mostly teenage girls, amid growing fears about US military withdrawal. 90 people died may 8 2021 and 240 people were injured badly
historical timeline