-Tell students why they're learning something and how it applies to them
-Work on Life Skills
Re-evaluate the curriculum
-More games
-All school documents and resources should be online
-More games instead of textbooks
-Provide more support for online learning
Individualized Learning
-Every student should have an IEP
-Teach students how to teach themselves
-Should be able to fast forward academically
-provide more one on one
-Peer mentors
-Discovery based learning
-Promote curiosity
Tailored Learning
Cultural Literacy, Street Smarts and community building.
Teach Music and sports these are important to us!
Safe Place: According to the student's voices a safe school is important. Students want to learn in an environment where they feel comfortable and safe.
Technology: There is so much we now can do with technology in the classroom. Students are connected all day long, we need to use technology to motivate and engage students in creative ways.
Tailored learning: Students have different learning styles and interests. It's important to tailor our teaching and activities to reach students in individual ways (project based) .
Individualized Learning: All students learn at a different pace and it a different way. It's important to know this and ensure that the IEP reflects this so that other teachers are also aware.
Practical Application: More then ever students want to know why they are learning what they are. How does it apply to every day life or in the future? Making learning more practical, such as environmental studies in the outdoors are ways to motivate and engage students.