Teaching Mindfulness
Peter Brown Comparative World Religions Teacher Teaching about the Buddha & Buddhism
Visitation- Buddha center
Essentiel question Freedom
What is freedom
Daily mindfulness activities: the training

At school
Life of the Buddha: find meaning in myth
Reflective writing: discovering your own truth
The truth of dukka(suffering) Is it the truth for you?
The cause of dukka:tanha Is it true for you?
The trath of cessation of Dukka: happiness Is this true for you?
Methaphor of a "path"
Right view
Right intention
Right speech
speech should be helpful, kind, truthful and timely
Right action
Right livehood
Right effort
Right mindfulness
Right meditation
Teaching Mindfulness
Amy Saltzman
What can we attend to?
Pay attention to:

What does this type of attention allow for?
Breathe exercise
Epidemics in our classrooms
Preliminary K-12 Data
Teaching from your experience
Teaching from your own experience
What is mindfulness?
Use "THE BUDDHA" film for introuction
David Grubin filmmaker
Based on Buddha life
25000 years A.C
message passing "A way to deal with suffering"
Meditation "empty the mind"
Find Nirvana
Mirabai Bush Co-Director and senior Fellow
Center for Contemplative Mind in society Northampton, Ma
Using the film "the Buddha" as an Educational Resource
Introduction of Buddhism
History of culture
Buddha is teacher
Intoduce the basic practice and meditation