Mongolia Interior, China

The mysterious curve of sonorous sand that " it can sing " and Engebei's oasis, once desert, they are other marvels. Numerous conference humanistic and natural expose the magic captivation of this ancient land.




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Donggang, Taiwán

It has one of the major fishing ports of Taiwan.

Every three years, this small Taiwanese city receives the festival Burning Barco. A ship of wood of 45 meters of length, it is constructed and one walked along the city, the compilation of the bad luck and the disease.

It is known by his ceremony trianual of " burning the ship of the king " (the burning of the ship pest).

Economic primary activities of fishing and agriculture. It is famous for his fresh and abundant shellfish

The city also has East Haven Palace of the prosperity of the East

The city has a tourist flourishing industry that culminates during April to June, due to the availability and the increasing popularity of the red tuna

Ashikaga Flower Park, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan

It is said that it is one of the most former trees of flowers observed of the archipelago, mas known like: (Collection of ten thousand leaves).

Wide mind considered difficult to cultivate in Japan, also can be enjoyed for more than one month.

In the middle of April, the light pink wisteria is the first one of the season to blooming

It is said this that it is the most beautiful of the glicinias in the world. It blooms in pink tones, white, lilac, yellow, arming tunnels of eighty meters of height with a fall from forty to fifty centimeters.