The Evolution of Cooperation
Book by Robert Axelrod

The Evolution of Cooperation
Book by Robert Axelrod

The game theory, how we simulate it

The game theory, how we simulate it

How: Repeat the prisoner dilemma in computer with set of strategy

Result: The good guy strategy win

the Champollion strategy is mirror competitor

Advantage: Kindness, Courage, forgiving & clear

How much it reflect the reality?

How much it reflect the reality?


No pre-condition on moral

Have enough variety


Can not be kill setting

What the enlighten the simulation give us?

What the enlighten the simulation give us?

The winning strategy

1. Do not be Jealous

2. Do not do evil

3. Reward the good; punish the evil

4. Do not try to be smart

The condition hold the result true

The future reward is larger than the profit of cheating