The Great Society

War on Poverty

Legislations Passed
by Lyndon Johnson

The Government Programs

Lyndon Johnson
(Legislations Passed)

Two Major Legislation

The Civil Rights Bill

The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

Other Legislations


The Immigration Act

The Housing Act

Wilderness Protection Act

The National Endowment for Arts
and Humanities

The Voting Rights Act

Elementary and SecondaryEducation Act.

New Deal

The Great Depression

Reorganization of industries

Boosting Agriculture

Banking Reform

Unemployment Relief

Extension and improvement
of the New Deal by Lyndon's
Great Society.

Government Programs

Job Corps

Volunteers in Service to America (VITSA)

The Model Cities Program

The Upward Bound Program

Project Head Start

Community Action Program

Community Action Agencies

Funding of Community Health Centers

Expansion of Social Security
