the heat energy from a Bunsen Burner flame depends on the size of the air hole
talk about the hypothesis and what it means
talk about the Bunsen burner
What it is
how it works
what you intend to do with it
include the measurement of the air hole
start to talk about the science behind the Bunsen Burner
what it's fuel is when the air hole is closed
talk about Combustion
Risk Assesment
talk about the risks that are involved when doing
this experiment
explain in detail how you are going to prevent these
risks from occuring
explain what safety methods you've adopted to
make sure none of these risks occur during the
Collecting results: table
the table will include
going down: the size of the open hole in mm
going along: the time takesto hit a certain
temperature ie: 60 degrees C
have three recordings for each mm value and work out the average at the end
Collecting results:: Graph
the Graph will include
going along: the size of the hole in mm
Going up: the time it takes to hit a certain
temperature ie: 60 degrees C
this is the average temperature only
include a line of best fit in the graph
work out a gradient for the line (y=mx+c)
also include error bars that show the range from the lowest temperature to the highet temperature per measuremet
The Experiment
Talk about the equipment you plan to use
talk about how you intend to use this equipment
talk about the independent and dependent variable
you have in the experiment
state what you think will happen in the exeriment
talk about each paragraph and explain how you
think combustion will play a major part in the result
of the experiment
conduct a trial experiment and explain what happened
talk about your opinion on the trial and state whether or not
you will be using that method in the final experiment
if not what would you use