The Shock of the Truth

Theories that make philosophers and scientists about the universe.

Ptolomeo (Egyptian living in Alexandria in about 150 A.D) he said that the universe was closed like a spherical envelope, that it was the center of the universe and surrounded by the stars and the sun.
The theory was wrong and astronomers tried to correct some things Ptolomeo's theory.

In 1530,Mikolaj Kopernik (dies in 1543) more commonly known as Copernicus. He said that the earth turned on its axis once per day and travelled around the sun once per year.
George Rheticus He was a teacher of mathematics and a student of Mikolaj.
George told Copernicus to publish his ideas but he was never satisfied with his observations.
His ideas went against all political and religious beliefs of the time. They change some ideas they had about humans and William Shakespeare said that those theories would have consequences in the world.
Galileo and Bruno, agreed wholeheartedly with the Copernican theory
Bruno said that space is infinite and contains many other suns, each with its own planets but he was sentenced to death in 1600
Galileo famous for his construction of the telescope, forced to deny the theory of Ptolemy and he escaped capital punishment but he was imprisoned for the rest of his life.
Brahe, Kepler and Newton took Copernicus's work as a starting point and used it to glean further truths about the laws of celestial mechanics.

Change in man's place in the cosmo.