Finding out Maya's interest
Creating activities based on Maya's developmental needs
Allowing an open routine for Maya to see what makes her feel comfortable
Asking Maya's family for ideas on things Maya is interested in
Observing Maya in the classroom throughout her first days to see where she excels and needs to be challenged as well as encouraged
Finding out about Maya's culture so that I can plan activities within the context of her culture
Including her family in planning through constant communication to get an idea of culturally based activities for Maya
Finding and including classroom materials that reflect Maya's culture..ex: books, pictures
Exploring ways to enlist real life representation in the classroom such as community volunteers of similar background as Maya to read books or help with activities
If Maya has a secondary language, finding ways to use it in the classroom such as through music
Implement culturally aware play based activities
Find understanding behind the meaning of her play which can be culturally based
Familiarize myself with culturally aware best practices
Find professional development opportunities to better my goals of inclusion
Involve Maya's family in my observations so they can offer insight to her play