Timeline of American history
The new immogrants are mostly from Spanish-speaking counrtyes and Asia.
Spanish is the second most spoken in America after Engelish
Ireland 1845-1848
Over 1 million Irish people came to America between 1845 and 1848.
They left becouse it wasen`t enough food
Gold Rush
Many Chinese people moved to America in 1849 to take part in the Gold Rush.
It weren`t just people from China who moved to America, people from all over the wold came to take part in the Gold Rush.
Early immigration 1600-1800
Many people from countryes in northwester Europe sailed to North America to settle.
They were from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Holland and France.
It did also came people form Africa, but they had no choice. They were slaves, and they were brought there to be traded.
Late 1800s-1920s
Between the late 1800s and the early 1900s many people from countryes in the Southern and Eastern Europe immigrated to Amarica. It were about 40 million people who immigrated America at this time.
Many Scandinavians moved to America at this time.