E -Commerce and Social Trends
Understanding Social Trends
Definition of social trends
Influencing factors of social trends
Importance of understanding social trends in business
Types of Social Trends
Technological trends
Rise of mobile commerce
Use of social media for marketing and sales
Increasing popularity of online marketplaces
Consumer trends
Demand for sustainable and ethical products
Preference for personalized experiences
Shift towards online shopping
Economic trends
Changes in income levels
Employment rates
Global trade policies
Cultural trends
Cultural values
and norms
Cultural differences in communication and consumer behavior
Topic principal
Importance of Social Trends in International Business
Adapting products
and marketing strategies to meet consumer needs
Understanding cultural differences in international business
Advantages of E-commerce
For businesses
Increased reach and global market access
Reduced overhead costs
Improved efficiency and productivity
Enhanced customer experience
Greater flexibility and scalability
For consumers
Convenience and accessibility
Wider selection and competitive prices
Personalized shopping experience
Increased price transparency