Use test
Internal model calculations
Run time
Apply proportionality principle
Clarity around model limitations
Role of the CRO within the board
Are granularity and frequency appropriate for the use of the IM within the group?
Policy for changing the model
Numbers of changes should not be automatically seen by NSAs as a negative signal.
How should be considered an IM BEFORE a major change is approved? ok for reporting?
Economic model
Which are the conditions for accepting the use of a different Economic model?
Which elements generate differences between the eco. and regul. models?
Contract boundaries
Difference in swap curve
Volatility and matching adjustments
Allowance for diversification benefits
1-year view vs. Ultimate
Spread risk assumption on Govies
Uses of the internal model
Business/portfolio acquisition or disposal
Product pricing
Reinsurance optimisation
Business strategy
Capital allocation
RM: risk ranking, limits, risk appetite...
Understands the model
Which board members need to understand the model? Which minimum level of understanding do board members need? How frequently should NSAs assess this understanding?
Effectively uses the model
Gives feedback on the model