Baloncesto – Basketball

Basketball or basketball or simply basketball is a team sport, played between two sets of five players each for four periods or quarter of ten or twelve minutes each.

Balonmano – Handball

Handball, handball or handball is a ball sport in which two teams are faced, characterized by carrying the ball with their hands.

Ciclismo – Cycling / Biking

Cycling is a sport in which a bicycle is used to tour Outdoor Circuits or Covered Track that encompasses different specialties

Vóleibol- Volleyball

Gymnastics is a physical activity aimed at strengthening and maintaining a good physical form through a set of established exercises

Tenis – Tennis

Tennis, also called field tennis, is a racket sport practiced on a rectangular track, delimited by lines and divided by a network. Two players or two couples are in dispute


Aquatic animals are species whose life develops in water


A set of atmospheric conditions typical of a place, consisting of the amount and frequency of rain, humidity, temperature, winds, etc., and whose complex action influences the existence of beings subjected to it


celestial alludes as relative and belonging to heaven alluding as the abode or mansion of human or earthly souls, angels, gods and an eternal place for the blessed. It is also referred to as delicious, charming, wonderful, and excellent.

Conifer- Conifera

they are normally trees or small shrubs whose reproductive structures are called cones (because of the shape they have) and which are also known as cones.

Biodegradable -Biodegradable

are those that end up decomposing into essential elements such as carbon, oxygen or silicon. And also, by the action of certain bacteria, viruses or fungi that live thanks to this cycle.