What I learned from over 1,000 hours of Meditation

I've meditated quite a bit...
Here's my journey from judging myself and others, to understanding them.
They're found in how you see the world.


The benefits of meditation are hard to put your finger on because they're not found in how the world sees you...

Meditation helps you understand those problems.

But knowing the solution means nothing if you don't take action on it.

And the courage to focus on making a truly great impact on it.

If you want to solve those problems, you first need to understand them.
So I wanted to share with you how much value it's added to my life.
The typical reaction to a problem is to find someone or something to blame.

You need the clarity of mind to find a solution.
Meditation trains your mind to let go of the random distracting thoughts of worry or procrastination...
So you can stay on task until...
On the surface, this looks like trying to understand the problem...
Meditation trains your mind to let go of the need to blame by training your mind to be curious of your own thoughts.
You probably have a million problems you're trying to solve at once...

The problem is solved.
*Use the arrow keys to start the journey.
Any problem you have has already been solved.

So why is it so hard to find the solution?

Meditation trains your mind to see more of the world.

But the minute you judge something as "blame-worthy..."
You start looking for reasons to justify that blame...
Deny all facts that contradict the blame...
And attach emotions like anger and guilt to the problem...

The benefits of meditation aren't found in your reflection...

They're in the wisdom you gain by seeing the world beyond the window.
And find yourself completely
"off-course" from solving the problem.
Which is really helpful when...

Next, you need the clarity of mind to find the solution.

Problems are inevitable.
Because we're all lost in "The Window Illusion"