In a tale centered around high school dynamics, Abbey, Kenzie, Sarah, and Dan navigate the complexities of teenage relationships. The story begins with the characters preparing for a significant dance event, each with their own expectations and emotions.
Sarah and Kenzie's characters get ready together but drive separately. Dan's character gets ready solo and gets a ride from Mr. Diana's character. Abbey's australian character goes solo as well.
Mr. D's character (Dan's character's unlce) stops Kenzie and Sarah's character for speeding. He let's them go to the party in exchange for telling him where the party is in case anything happens.
The police take the four off to jail, all of them in one car. Kenzie and sarah are on opposite sides of the backseat fighting across Abbey and Dan's characters. Meanwhile Mr. D's character overhears the party on his monitor and goes to jail to see the kids. He feels an obligation to help.
ENTER NIKO: Niko. who has been monitoring the party all night with his cats, sees Abbey's character jump into the pool and hurt himself. He then calls the cops to the party. When the cops show up everyone scatters save the four main characters who are by the pool with Abbey's character.
Sarah and Kenzie's characters see the couple from the side. Dan's character sees them first, followed by Abbey's character and then an awkward pause..(Abbey's character jumps out the window
At the party: (MUSIC BLARING, CLOUDS PUFFING, THE SMELL OF STALE BEER AND BOOZE) Sarah and Kenzie hurry into the party in a panic, searching for Abbey, only to find out that Abbey is in a room somewhere with someone...only to find Dan's character and Abbey's character having an intimate moment.
The fight takes place in the hallway. Meanwhile, during their fight, Dan and Abbey have connected and leave for the party at Abbey's house. Kenzie and Sarah come back to the dance only to realize that everyone has gone to the party. They hurry out and race to Abbey's.
Abbey leads Kenzie and Sarah on, but not maliciously. Meanwhile, Abbey's character is dropping hints to Dan's character throughout the night. Sarah and Kenzie begin to fight at the dance because Kenzie sees Sarah's character having an intimate conversation with Abbey's character even though she told her she likes him.
Kenzie and Sarah like Abbey, but Abbey is actually curious...Dan is flamboyantly gay and Abbey and Dan end up together.
Conflict at party
Love triangle
Ch. 3 Party over-exaggerated high school party (each character's perspective
Ch. 2 At the dance collective chapter with everyone's perspective
Ch. 1 getting ready, meet up before the dance (each character's perspective)