Kategorier: Alle - jurado - requisitos - mendoza - testigos

af agustina fredes 2 år siden



En Mendoza, los juicios por jurado se aplican en casos graves como el femicidio o situaciones que involucran sufrimiento infligido intencionalmente a una persona en una relación. La estructura del juicio incluye la defensa del imputado, oyentes, jurado popular, defensa de la víctima y el juez mediador.


Se realizan con jurados cuando se trata de un femicidio o se busca causar sufrimiento a una persona con la que se mantiene o ha mantenido una relación


Rivers have always been essential for human life and settlement. A source for drinking, the source of food, and a way to transfer goods from one place to another. They are essential in the environment of rainforest and wetlands.

Juicios por jurados desde adentro

The Yangtze holds the title of Asia’s longest river. The Yangtze has a momentous place in China’s history and culture, providing some of the country’s most fertile land as well as some of its most artistically inspiring scenery.

Where the Mekong river runs, the land is incredibly verdant shaping one of the richest areas of biodiversity on the planet. Thousands of species call its shores and waters home. Long an essential trade route the Mekong passes through, or close to, some of the region’s most important cities, including Vientiane, Phnom Penh and Saigon.

Frente al juez o jueza se ubican dos partes...
Al final de la sala...

Público asistente

Lado derecho

Persona imputada

Acompaño del guardia policial

Defensa técnica

Defensores del imputado

Lado izquierdo

Ministerio Público Fiscal


Defensores de la víctima

Modalidad de juicios

The Yangtze or Yangzi is the longest river in Asia and the longest in the world to flow entirely within one country (Qinghai, Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai provinces). It rises in the northern part of the Tibetan Plateau and flows 6,300 km in a generally easterly direction to the East China Sea.

Tributaries: Yalong, Min, Tuo, Jialing, Han, Wu, Yuan, Zi, Xiang, Gan, Huangpu.
In mid-2014, the Chinese government announced it was building a multi-tier transport network, comprising railways, roads, and airports, to create a new economic belt alongside the river.

Los y las jurados deben emitir un veredicto

The Yangtze River has over 700 tributaries. Type in some of its major affluents.

Veredicto de manera unánime, deben decidir si la persona imputada es culpable o no culpable.

la fiscalía y defensa presentan las conclusiones obtenidas

Where is the place where Yangtze drains into a larger body of water ? Type in the answer.

La jornada finaliza cuando ya hablaron todas las personas convocadas para esa jornada

Se llaman a los testigos

Where is the original point from which Yangtze flows? Type in the answer.

Se les toma juramento, se le advierte sobre el falso testimonio y pasa a ser interrogado por las partes que intervienen en el caso para testificar

Se recibe al Honorable Jurado

Ingresan los 16 mendocinos seleccionados para cumplir con el rol de jurado titular y suplente

La jornada inicia con la llegada del juez o jueza

Yangtze River flows through 9 provinces in China. Type at least 5 of them.

Se ponen de pie todas las personas presentes para recibir a la máxima autoridad del juicio

Casos principales

The Volga is the longest river in Europe. The waters of the Volga are used to irrigate the steppe regions of southern Russia. Because of its importance in the country, the Volga has mythological status in Russia, and many iconic sites are found along its banks

The Danube is the second-longest river in Europe. Travelers can experience many of the river's sights by embarking on a cruise along its waterways. Danube River Cruises, which are offered by Viking Cruises, typically stop in Cologne, Budapest, Nuremberg, Belgrade and Krems. Following the river is a way to experience several Eastern European cities in one trip. Famous monuments, such as the Hungarian Parliament, have been erected on its coast.

Caso Cortez Tarabay

The Danube is located in Central and Eastern Europe.
The Danube flows through 10 countries, more than any other river in the world. Originating in the Black Forest in Germany, the Danube flows southeast for 2,850 km, passing through or bordering Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Ukraine before draining into the Black Sea. The mouth of the Danube is the Danube Delta. The greater part of the Danube Delta lies in Romania, with a small part in Ukraine (Odessa Oblast).
Tributaries :Iller, Lech, Altmühl, Naab, Regen, Isar, Inn, Ilz, Enns, Morava, Rába, Váh, Hron, Ipeľ, Sió, Dráva, Vuka, Tisza, Sava, Tamiš, Great Morava, Mlava, Karaş, Jiu, Iskar, Olt, Osam, Argeș, Ialomița, Siret, Prut.

Imputada absuelta y liberada

Remember that this is the original point from which the river flows. Type in the answer.

No logró acuerdo entre los jueces
Se declaró estancado y absuelto

Danube River flows through 9 countries in Europe. Type them in.

Caso Prado

The Volga is the longest river in Europe with a catchment area of 1,350,000 square km.
Eleven of the twenty largest cities of Russia, including the capital, Moscow, are located in the Volga's drainage basin. Rising in the Valdai Hills 225 meters above sea level northwest of Moscow and about 320 km southeast of Saint Petersburg, the Volga heads east past Lake Sterzh, Tver, Dubna, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod, and Kazan. From there it turns south, flows past Ulyanovsk, Tolyatti, Samara, Saratov, and Volgograd, and discharges into the Caspian Sea.
Tributaries: Kama, Oka, Vetluga, and Sura. The Volga Delta has a length of about 160 kilometers and includes as many as 500 channels and smaller rivers.

El Jurado encuentra un acusado no culpable

The source of a river, also called headwaters, is the original point from which the river flows. Type in Volga's source.

Primer caso de Mendoza

¿Todos los casos se realizan con jurados?

There are four major rivers in Africa: the Nile, the Zambezi, the Congo, and the Niger. The Nile is one of the longest rivers in the world.

The Zambezi's most noted feature is Victoria Falls. Other notable falls include the Chavuma Falls at the border between Zambia and Angola, and Ngonye Falls, near Sioma in Western Zambia.

Solo los casos que se encuentran estipulados en el artículo 80, 54 y 55 del Código Penal Argentino.

The Nile, which is about 6,650 km long, covers eleven countries: Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Republic of the Sudan and Egypt.

It has two major tributaries, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The White Nile is the headwaters and primary stream of the Nile. The White Nile is longer and rises in the Great Lakes region of central Africa, with the most distant source still undetermined but located in either Rwanda or Burundi. The two rivers meet just north of the Sudanese capital of Khartoum.
The northern section of the river flows north almost entirely through the Sudanese desert to Egypt, then ends in a large delta and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

Aquellos asesinatos por placer, codicia, odio racial, religioso, de género o a la orientación sexual, identidad de género o su expresión.
Casos en los que se arriesgue prisión perpetua por el asesinato de un ascendiente, descendiente, cónyuge, ex cónyugue o persona con la que haya mantenido una relación de pareja.

The Nile flows through 7 countries and 3 republics from Africa. Type them in.


North America
In the 18th century, the river was the primary western boundary of the young United States, and since the country's expansion westward, the Mississippi River has been widely considered a convenient dividing line between the Eastern, Southern, Midwestern United States, and the Western United States.

South America

Amazon River, the greatest river of South America and the largest drainage system in the world in terms of the volume of its flow and the area of its basin.

¿Quiénes son jurados? Requisitos:
Contar con el pleno ejercicio de los derechos políticos
Saber leer y escribir
Comprender el idioma nacional
Pueden ser jurado los que tienen entre 18 y 75 años
Residencia de dos años en el territorio de la jurisdicción del Tribunal Colegiado competente
Residencia permanente de al menos cuatro años en Mendoza
Personas de nacionalidad argentina

Naturalizados con no menos de cinco años de ciudadanía


¿Cómo se compone?

Main tributaries - Marañón, Napo, Japurá/Caquetá, Rio Negro/Guainía, Putumayo, Trombetas, Ucayali, Javary, Juruá, Purús, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu.

The Amazon and its tributaries flow through the countries of Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Brazil before emptying into the Atlantic Ocean 6, 437 km (4,000 miles) from the Amazon's headwaters high in the Andes mountains of Peru.

Defensa de la víctima
Defensa del imputado

Try to state the length either in miles or in kilometers.

Jurado popular
Juez mediador

The Amazon flows through 6 countries from South America. Type them in.