Kategorier: Alle - engagement - mathematics - instruction - learning

af Courtney Fairholm 4 år siden


Engaging the Wider Community in Support of Mathematics Learning

The document emphasizes the importance of engaging the wider community in mathematics education, highlighting various instructional strategies and curriculum changes. It discusses the 2020 Ontario Math Curriculum, which incorporates social-emotional learning, high-impact instructional practices, and a spiraled curriculum design.

Engaging the Wider Community in Support of Mathematics Learning

Engaging the Wider Community in Support of Mathematics Learning

Mathematics in the Early Years

The Role of Play in Children's Learning of Mathematics
Learning Games

Most Educator Directed

Collaborative Play

Educator Guided

Free Play

Most Childe Directed

Learning Trajectories
"Teaching Student Centres Mathematics"
"Taking Shape"
"What to Look For"
"Erkinson Institute"
"Learning and Teaching Math"
Scope and Sequence of Math Instruction
Pedagological Approaches: - Responsive relationships - Learning through exploration, play, and inquiry - Educators as co-learners - Environment as third teacher - Pedagogical documentation - Reflective practice and collaborative inquiry - Direct, explicit instruction
What students know in math predicts reading achievement later in school
What students know in kindergarten and grade 1 predicts math achievement for future years
Early years are important for math development
Myths of Early Mathematics
I Don't Have Anything for this Students In Belonging & Contributing

Create interactive experiences for students so that everyone takes part in the activity

Teachers Pay Teachers

Not based on the curriculum or research

Andy vs. Sid

Toys do not need to be perfect. Students can build their own toys and manipulatives based on their need (like Sid)

When do I teach when the kids are playing all the time?

"A Kindergarten without substantial playtime puts everyone at a disadvantage, for play is the primary reality for its members. Play contains the only set of circumstances children understand from beginning to end. 'I can do well,' the kindergarteners seem to say." (Paley, 2009)

Morning Routines: Calendar & Weather

Involves rote learning and are not meaningful to children

Computational Thinking and Coding

Nurturing computational thinking with coding
Unplugged to Tinkering to Making to Remixing
Book: Coding for Young Mathematicians
Unplugged Coding Experiences
Lesson planning for computational thinking and coding.
Focus on thinking Meaningful Feedback Problem Solving Do not OVER Scaffold Ask Questions Open Ended Quesitons
Differentiate the content, process, product, or learning environment
Learning for all
OAME - Lesson Plans For Coding
Computational Thinking
Develops higher order thinking skills
Gathering, Organizing and Analyzing Data
Creating a solution
Systematically and logically structuring procedures
draws on tools and techniques of computing
Problem Solving
Thinking Process
Coding with LYNX

Assessment, Evaluation and Feedback

Moderated practice of evaluating student work, grading and justifying rationale for feedback to students.
“….telling a learner if they are right or wrong is not good enough. To an engineer, this would be nonsense. Tantamount to installing a thermostat but forgetting to connect it to the furnace.” Dylan Wiliam – 2012
Internal and External Motivation Loop
Effective and Useful Feedback: Motive, Opportunity, Means
The role of feedback in self-regulation and social-emotional learning in math.
Stretch goals with feedback
Self-Regulation Co-Regulation Regulation
Growing Success The Seven Fundamental Principles
Effective planning for assessment, evaluation and feedback for students to nurture the beauty of mathematics.
Language to Probe Students' Thinking
Knowledge and Understanding Application Thinking Comminication
Front-loading of assessment, evaluation and feedback
Triangulated Assessment Data Observation Conversation Products
Understanding the manner in which teachers support self-regulated learning
“Only through the continual and sympathetic observations of a child’s interests can the adult enter into the child’s life and see what it is ready for, and upon what material it could work for most readily and fruitfully” - John Dewey, My Pedagogic Creed, 1929

Special Education and Differentiated Instruction

Understand the profile of students with learning disabilities and the role of effective teaching strategies to plan for success.
Assessment Accommodations
Environmental Accommodations
Instructional Accommodations
Categories of Knowledge and Skills
Executive Function
Processing Speed
Visual-Motor Skills
Phonological Processing
A Guide To Effective Instruction
Volume of Guide
Learning for All
UDL and DI
Categories of Exceptionalities - Behaviour - Communication - Intelectual - Physical - Multiple
Accommodations and Modifications

Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

Nurturing The Beauty of Mathematics

Can Code To Learn

Change of Language in the Curriculum
"Most important, the beauty of mathematics is experienced when exciting breakthroughs in problem solving are made and an air of relief and awe is enjoyed"
"The beauty in mathematics can be found in the process of deriving elegant and succinct approaches to resolving problems"
"the aesthetics of mathematics have also motivated the development of new mathematical thinking"
Parent Engagement in Mathematics
What do you want the parents of your students to know?
"A Parents Guide to Mathematics" by the Ministry of Education
New Ontario Math Curriculum (2020)
High Impact Instructional Practices In Mathematics
Mathematical Processes
Social Emotional Learning
Professional Design of Learning Opportunities
Gallery Walk, Math Congress, Anchor Charts, Co-Constructing Success
Developing Cognitive Self-Regulation
Triangulation of Data
Spiralled Curriculum
Designers of Rich Learning Opportuniites

Digital Tools for Teaching and Learning

Integrating digital learning tools in the regular classroom for student engagement and support.
Virtual Interactive Classrooms
Bitmoji Classrooms
Google Classroom
D2L - Brightspace
Understanding differentiation using digital platforms
Open Middle Math
Number talks
Storyline Online
Knowledge Hook
Nelson Learn At Home
TVO - mPower
TVO Mathify
Choice Boards
Classic Breakout EDU Digital Games
Toy Theater
Project Zero

Knowledge Mobilization

Understand Designing Aesthetic Experiences in Mathematics, Knowledge Mobilization and Community Engagement
Choice, Innovation, Collaboration, Knowledge Building
Playful Learning
Co-Constructing Learning
Gradual Release of Responsibility
Activate, Explore, Consolidate
Mathematical Communications
10 Dimensions of Mathematical Education