The research involved the polymerization and synthesis of PNaSS and PMPTC under UV light irradiation. Sodium pstyrenesulfonate and 3-(methacryloylamino) propyl-trimethylammonium chloride were used as precursors in creating these polymers.
A total of 29 rabbits were used for this experiment
A 2 cm incision was made
approximately 1 cm below the lower edge of the mandible body to expose the bone.
New Zealand rabbits were anesthetized using intravenous injections
were differentiated from human embryonic stem
freeze-dried GelMA (5% w/v final) was
dissolved with the photoinitiator at 37 °C. GM was made by adding Matrigel to GelMA at the different volume ratios of 1:3 [GM (3:1)] or 1:5 [GM
RNA sequences
can identifie specific RNA as rRNA or tRNA or mRNA
can be use to identifie only a part of the RNA or the entire RNA
MATRIGEL + PIC exposed to UV radiation during 7 sec at 25°
MATRIGEL MODIFIED + PIC exposed to UV radiation during 7 sec at 25 °
In brief, in the presence of 0.05 mol % (relative to
the monomer) 2-oxoglutaric acid under UV light irradiation
(365 nm wavelength, 7.5 mW·cm−2) for 8 h, the precursor aqueous solutions of 1 mol·L−1 Sodium pstyrenesulfonate (NaSS) and 1 M 3-
(methacryloylamino) propyl-trimethylammonium chloride (MPTC)
were polymerizied and synthesized as PNaSS and PMPTC. PNaSS
and PMPTC, respectively. Solutions with equal volume were slowly dripped into deionized water and stirred for 30 min, forming PIC precipitates, which were dissolved in sodium chloride solution to form the PIC solution.2