af Brayder Alejandro Sanchez Dagua 6 år siden
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Type in your web site name
Type in the name of your web site and press Enter.
In this section we will collect ideas for assets, content and site features that you may need in your web site.
Add favourite or reference sites
Add references to sites that you like or dislike, with reasons.
Describe the site style
What style of site are you aiming at?
Add some notes about the style for your web site.
Has the site name been chosen?
Add the site name, if chosen. If not, then a site name based on preferred keywords should help with search engine optimisation.
In this section, we collect some technical information that will be needed to implement the design.
What back-end connections will be needed?
Include a back-end connection from the suggestions or add your own.
Add platform details
Web sites can be implemented in a variety of ways. Choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Add or exclude a web browser
What browsers will your site need to support? It is difficult to support all browsers as technologies change. Many web sites declare older browser versions as unsupported.
Add included or excluded browsers and versions.
What format(s) will you need?
Add information about the formats your site will need to support. Think about:
Once your web site is launched, it will need continual maintenance.
How will you monitor your site?
Your web site will need to be regularly monitored to ensure that problems are detected early. Think about:
Add actions to establish monitoring and response for your site.
How will dynamic content be managed?
If your site contains dynamic information such as a blog, a news feed, user forums or regular campaigns, how will these be updated and published? Think about:
How will you manage change control?
What will be your process for managing change on your web site? Think about:
Add an action needed to establish change control.
Identify sources of change
Identify the sources of change in your web site. Think about:
Add a source of change for your web site.
Who is your audience for this site?
What should they be able to do on your site?
What do they need to be able to do?
What does or do 'prisoner' be able to do on your web site? What is your call to action for this persona?
Not win
How might it go wrong?
How might 'prisoner' fail to 'Objective'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.
You will remain a prisoner of the game
How can it be resolved?
How will Not win be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.
Winning is the liberation
Complete the most difficult challenges
Compete with other players
How will it work?
How will 'prisoner' be able to 'Objective'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
Privileges: Only by winning can you release
What privileges do they need?
What privileges does 'prisoner' need to 'Objective'?
Do they need:
Reason: Win the game
Why would 'prisoner' need to 'Objective'?
What would motivate them to do this?
What do they need to be able to do?
What does or do 'Player' be able to do on your web site? What is your call to action for this persona?
If you try to reveal the game
You will lose everything from your money to what you most want
How can it be resolved?
How will If you try to reveal the game be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.
Not meeting the challenges
How might it go wrong?
How might 'Player' fail to 'Objective'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.
Yes, you do not meet the challenges, you will lose all your observers
How can it be resolved?
How will Not meeting the challenges be detected? How can it be resolved?
You can add multiple topics here.
Meet the challenges of observers
Catch on
Register as a player
How will it work?
How will 'Player' be able to 'Objective'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
Privileges: Have many observers
What privileges do they need?
What privileges does 'Player' need to 'Objective'?
Do they need:
Why would 'Player' need to 'Objective'?
What would motivate them to do this?
Add a persona
Add a persona - a type of user who may visit your site. Think about:
Meet challenges
Observers put challenges and must be met
How will it work?
How will 'Observer' be able to 'Meet challenges'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
Privileges: Make the challenges more difficult
What privileges do they need?
What privileges does 'Observer' need to 'Meet challenges'?
Do they need:
Reason: Challenges
Why would 'Observer' need to 'Meet challenges'?
What would motivate them to do this?
What do they need to be able to do?
What does or do 'Observer' be able to do on your web site? What is your call to action for this persona?
You can only see for 24 hours
How might it go wrong?
How might 'Observer' fail to 'Watch-Challenge'? What could go wrong?
You can add multiple topics here.
Put a challenge to your player
How will it work?
How will 'Observer' be able to 'Watch-Challenge'?
What are the steps in the normal (successful) process?
How will the user know they have succeeded?
You can add multiple topics here.
Privileges: Challenge
What privileges do they need?
What privileges does 'Observer' need to 'Watch-Challenge'?
Do they need:
Reason: Watch
Why would 'Observer' need to 'Watch-Challenge'?
What would motivate them to do this?
Who are the stakeholders in your web site project?
Not meeting the challenge or giving away the game can make you lose everything
Meet the challenge of giving a good reward $$
The challenges of the players are put by the observers
The players have to meet the challenges
Add a responsible person
Add a name for the Player role
Add a stakeholder role
Add a role to your team. You can choose from the suggestions or add your own.
Your user is deleted when you finish 24 hours
You can only see a favorite person for 24 hours
People who registered as players, can not observe others ...
Add a responsible person
Add a name for the Observer role