The narrative focuses on Naomi, a thirty-six-year-old schoolteacher, who is haunted by memories of her childhood. The story is set primarily in the rural town of Cecil, Alberta, with significant events spanning from 1954 to 1972.
-1954 is when they started the trips to coulee, or ravine, in Granton, Alberta, with her uncle Isamu, and it was last mentioned that they went there in 1972.
reference: Sparknotes*
Aunt Emily
Aunt Emily is a smart, energetic woman who campaigns relentlessly on behalf of Japanese Canadians.
Naomi’s aunt is the quietest character in the novel, but she is also one of its most forceful personalities
Uncle (Isamu/Sam Nakane)
Uncle is a quiet, kind, and steady man. A good husband to Obasan, he is also an excellent provider and father figure for Naomi and Stephen
The narrator and main character of the novel. Naomi, a thirty-six-year-old schoolteacher, is both tormented and fascinated by her childhood memories