Romeo is portrayed as a deeply emotional and impulsive character, driven by his intense feelings. His youthfulness and inexperience often lead to impulsive decisions, contributing to his tragic fate.
Romeo's recklessness and lack of emotional self-control are his terrible weaknesses. This weakness finally brings him to ruin and adds to the play's tragic conclusion.
Romeo is represented as being sympathetic and compassionate, particularly when he is interacting with Juliet.
Romeo's youthfulness and inexperience are emphasized in the play, which adds to his immaturity and innocence.
Romeo is impulsive because he is driven by his emotions.
lover not a fighter
Romeo is a lover not a fighter because he wants to be with Juliet but he will never be able to.
Romeo is a brave character because he charges after Tybalt after he killed Mercutio.
He wants to only be with Juliet and even after she's dies he kills himself to be with her.
he is passionate because he falls in love with Juliet.